Saturday, December 28, 2013

food review : hanashobu ramen

what's best to enjoy with your family in this holiday season other than good food? i was thrilled since my sisters were home this christmas. while my in-laws were away on their holiday, my husband would be on his desk until God knows when.. so i didn't want to wait for him to enjoy my holiday. so i brought my son to join my sisters. we were going to grand city, and then i noticed the big ads about this new ramen place, called hanashobu. my sisters haven't eat ramen since their arrival in surabaya, so why not try the new ramen?

hanashobu ramen. like other ramen places, this stall was decorated like a japanese noodle bar. but there were pictures at the wall, kamen raider one to be exact. i got this feeling of deco art feeling but in japanese style. and they were very very children friendly. not only they offered baby chair, but they also had a coloring paper at the back of the place mat. and there were wooden toys to play with while we were eating.

the menu : their menu was pretty simple. they had only 5 different ramen, and not more than 5 other dishes on the menu. the name was pretty funny too.. like ramen rider, ramen power.. hahaa. like in the comic book.
my brother and second sister chose the ramen rider. i chose the tori mega ramen. my little sister chose their curry don, and my nanny ate their fried rice.
ramen rider: it was a pork ramen, with pork broth. served with tamago and seaweed. i tasted a little. the broth was not too salty, like hakkata's. and it was not too cloudy like yamagoya's. there were two choices of pork ramen, one was ramen rider, which soup was pork broth. and the other was ramen power, which soup was miso soup.
my pick was tori mega ramen, which was the chicken version with chicken broth. the other chicken ramen was with shoyu soup. tori mega ramen consisted with a chicken thigh, tamago, and seaweed. the soup was tasty, not too salty, and i could taste sesame oil in it. somehow the sesame oil completed the other components in the dish. the chicken thigh was tender, and it reminded me of 369's shanghai soup.

the curry don was so-so according to my sister. she even said that she could cook just like that using the curry spice from supermarket. i had no idea about the fried rice.

will i be back again? probably yes. it was worth to try....
tori mega ramen

ramen rider

see the ramen rider poster? 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

tsunami bernama JKN

bagi para pengamat dunia kesehatan atau tenaga kesehatan khususnya dokter umum dan dokter gigi pasti mengetahui ttg JKN (jaminan kesehatan nasional) yg akan berlaku sejak 1 januari 2014. askes akan bertransformasi menjadi BPJS. niat awal dari kebijakan adalah untuk pemerataan kesehatan di seluruh indonesia, mengingat bny masyarakat di daerah perifer tdk bisa mendapat pelayanan kesehatan krn tdk ada dokter atau dokter gigi atau dokter spesialis. dengan adanya peraturan tersebut, para dokter umum dan dokter gigi yang nantinya disebut PPK 1 dirancang menjadi ujung tombak. merekalah yg dipaksa bergeser ke perifer spy terjadi pemerataan. bgm caranya? dg cara pemerataan kapitasi.

sistem yg dipakai untuk PPK 1 adalah sistem kapitasi, sedangkan untuk PPK 2 dan PPK 3 (dokter spesialis dan subspesialis, beserta klinik utama dan rs) berdasarkan tarif INA-CBGs. kapitasi itu, tiap bulan kita akan diberi sejumlah uang oleh BPJS utk semua biaya pengobatan pasien + obat+ radiologi + laboratorium. cukup ga cukup pokoknya uang yg diksh BPJS ya segitu itu. jumlah penduduk yg harus ditanggung seorang dokter berkisar antara 2500-5000 jiwa penduduk. (oke.. my worst nightmare adalah kalo sepersepuluhhh.. aja dari orang2 itu sakit dlm 1 hari, hrs praktek berapa jam para dokter itu?? ohnooo...) BPJS ini bak perusahaan asuransi, tp pesertanya seluruh penduduk indonesia. biaya preminya brp? nominalnya kisaran 20-50 rb. bedanya di mana? tetep bedanya nanti kalo rawat inap ada beda kelas perawatan. kalo byrnya cm 20rb doang ya dptnya kelas 3. tp kalo di rawat jalan, ga ada beda. obatnya sama2 obat generik, lab ama radiologinya jg ga dibedain. kalo byr mahal labnya di pr*di*, tp kalo murah di p*p*l*r aja.. nggak.. pokoknya ya di klinik pratama ato di tmp yg kerjasama ama praktek dokter tsb. trus dokter2 itu dpt berapa? dokter umum masih mending. kalo prakteknya di puskesmas, dptnya 6rb/ jiwa penduduk. kalo di rs kelas D, klinik pratama ato dokter praktek dptnya 8-10rb/ jiwa penduduk. nahhh.. masalahnya itu duit msknya ke puskesmas ama klinik.. ndak tau deh yg diterima dokternya akhirnya berapa duit. kalo praktekan pribadi sih semua bisa msk kantong sendiri, tp jgn lupa, kalo praktek pribadi artinya ga ada lab, radiologi, ama apotek. dana kapitasi itu hrs dipotongkan buat byr apotek, lab ama radiologi kalo pasien yg dtg bth obat, pemeriksaan lab ama radiologi. sooo... kalo pasiennya minta obat banyak2, sering2 dtg, sering minta lab ama radiologi ya jelas RUGI...

pembelaan pemerintah di mana? mereka mencanangkan ini sbg langkah menuju indonesia sehat. diharapkan krn dokter2 "dipaksa" terima kapitasi, pemerintah berharap para dokter gencar mempromosikan perilaku hidup sehat dan membiasakan preventif, sehingga akhirnya jarang ada yg sakit, jd dana kapitasi utuh. tp pemerintah lupa mgkn ya... promotif aja kan butuh duit. masa penyuluhan ga pake makan, minum, transpor, dan biaya lainnya? preventif aja kan butuh dana. misalnya harus periksa lab utk tau kena DM/ HT/ hiperkolesterolemia apa ndak. kalo msh di bawah 40 thn setahun sekali aja emang cukup. tp kalo udh di atas 40 kan hukumnya beda.. trus biaya vaksin2 itu yg ditanggung cuma vaksinasi dasar buat anak2. lha vaksin dewasa ndak ditanggung. biaya KB juga.. yg ditanggung cuma IUD ama injeksi. lha pil, susuk dll gmana? awalnya malah di buku pedoman JKN itu ditulis salah satu yg ga ditanggung adalah pelayanan KB. tapi di permenkes yg baru ttg tarif baru ada tarif pelayanan KB. *tepokjidat for our government inconsistency*

itu urusan dokter umum. belum dokter gigi. *turut berbela sungkawa* dokter gigi kalo ikut di puskesmas ama klinik msh dpt sama dg dokter umum. tp kalo dokter gigi praktek pribadi, dapetnya cuma 2rb/ jiwa. lha? padahal kmrn aku baru itung2an bahan habis pakai gigi itu mahalnya amit2.. lebih mahal dr bahan habis pakai dokter umum. lha apa duit 2rb itu cuma buat konsultasi pemeriksaan ama cabut gigi doang? tembel itu aja mahalnya amit2.. kok cuma diganti 2rb? mgkn para perumus kebijakan itu udah lama ga sakit gigi..

masalahnya di mana? di perilaku masyarakat kita. masyarakat indonesia ini terkenal paling demen ama yg namanya GRATISAN. fakta yg ada skrg, penduduk kita ini sdg pada taraf yg ga percaya pada tenaga kesehatan (dokter, dokter spesialis, bidan, perawat,dll). mereka gampang bgt menuntut tenaga kesehatan dg harapan mrk yg absurd dan sering tidak konsisten. belum lagi dg berbagai masalah yg ada membuat mereka dikit2 mengancam tenakes. akibatnya apapun yg dikatakan tenakes dianggap sbg omong kosong belaka. bahkan jk kita bilang kita ini harus PUASA krn tdk mendpt upah yg layak. (di bayangan mereka dokter itu duduk ongkang2 sambil kipas2 duit. tiap resep itu mgkn menghasilkan segepok duit). mereka juga mudah menuntut segala hal, contoh saja kaum buruh, menuntut tunjangan pulsa, kipas angin, bahkan lipstik. menurutku itu udah ga masuk akal, karena ga eksis sehari aja di facebook kan ga bikin sekarat.. jadi kenapa hrs nuntut pulsa? bahkan aku pernah dgr ttg cerita bahwa buruh wanita itu setiap menstruasi (maaf) selalu antri ambil cuti menstruasi 2 hari. FYI, cuti menstruasi itu sebetulnya hanya bisa didapat krn menstruasi yg benar2 sakit shg mengganggu pekerjaan, yg dlm bhs medisnya dismenorhea. tapi disalah artikan sebagai kalo mens bisa ambil cuti, biarpun ga sakit dan mereka ttp bisa kerja. TOH BISA CUTI KENAPA DILEWATKAN? GA POTONG GAJI PULA...

nah gawatnya di mana? kalo sifat itu diterapkan di era JKN, bisa dipastikan para dokter akan tongpes. kenapa?
1. pasien akan beralasan mereka udah bayar premi, ato kalo buruh udah dibayarin perusahaannya. jadi tiap mereka sakit (biarpun cuma bersin2 ringan doang) mereka bisa berobat. dan minta obat seenaknya. ga peduli aturan 3 hari dll. mereka cm mungkin minta cek lab dan radiologi pdhl blm tentu membutuhkan. KAN MEREKA UDAH BAYAR... itu alasan yg sering kudengar..
2. masyarakat kita itu sgt bersifat kekeluargaan. kalo satu berobat, yg lain jg mau ikutan. takut ketularan .. alesannya. minta obatnya? buat pencegahan, jawabnya... alasan favorit lain:"kan udah kadung ke sini.."*tepotjidatlagi*
3. kalo pasien makin sering berobat, justru dokter2 itu akan dipotong dana kapitasinya, karena dianggap tidak bisa mengedukasi masyarakat.. niatnya kan memajukan preventif dan promotif, jadi kalo msh bny masyarakat yg sakit, dianggap program dua biji itu ga berhasil dan sekali lagi dokternya yang salah.

jadi teman2 sekalian... bersiaplah menghadapi TSUNAMI bernama JKN ini.. dan berharaplah para pembuat kebijakan ini sangat bijak dalam mengevaluasi ulang tarif beserta segala ketentuan hukum yg melindungi para tenakes.. sekali lagi.. hanya Tuhan yg sanggup mengubah mental bangsa ini, baik pejabatnya maupun masyarakatnya. dan kami para dokter dianggap sanggup mengobatinya. *elusdada*

Thursday, November 28, 2013

momok bernama persetujuan tindakan medis

sekarang ini heboh dg defensive medicine, sesuatu yg kemungkinan besar akan terjadi jika kasus dr ayu ini tidak segera tuntas dan media makin memojokkan dokter, publik pun akan kehilangan kepercayaan terhadap dokter, dan nantinya akan berakibat pada terganggunya hubungan pasien dokter dan berujung pada kerugian pasien.

lebih lengkapnya silahkan baca :

mengenai momok ini, aku bbrp kali pernah berurusan, dan nda semuanya bagus. berhubung aku jg ga lama praktek (hny 2 thn krn kmdn lanjut sekolah lg), jd ini hny bbrp kasus sebagai gambaran susah gampangnya ttg pertindik ini.. termsk kompleksitasnya dlm suasana tempat yg bernama UGD itu..

#1 : ada pasien laki2 sdh paruh baya, dibawa keamanan sebuah kompleks perumahan dlm kondisi tdk sadar, diberitahu warga sekitar katanya ditabrak lari. posisi pasien tdk bawa dompet, jd tdk ada identitas apa2. petugas keamanan yg bawa udah berusaha cari keluarga. kondisi pasien = ada luka di kepala, patah kaki, dan tidak sadar. jadi, sudah pasti termasuk gawat. alhasil kita harus segera menangani. foto seperlunya. yg pasti pasien butuh operasi karena kakinya patah. ga berapa lama akhirnya keluarganya bisa ditemukan. ternyt anaknya cuma satu. begitu dia datang, kita udh memberondong dg berbagai formulir persetujuan yg harus diisi krn telat dateng, mulai dari pasang infus, selang kencing, hingga persetujuan foto yg udah kita lakukan dan udah dijelaskan hasilnya. pasien msh butuh CT scan dan operasi. apa dia lgsg mau tanda tangan? nda. alasannya untung jelas. dia butuh waktu berpkr. dia anak satu2nya tp kalo ada apa2 dg org tuanya, msh ada saudara org tuanya yg bisa menuntutnya. untungnya, dia setuju utk CT scan dulu dan operasinya elektif, sehingga tdk terlalu berpengaruh pada kondisi pasien.
pesannya apa? kadang kondisi gawat membuat keluarga pasien tdk bisa berpikir jernih dg cepat dlm memutuskan sesuatu. kadang kami dibatasi oleh yg namanya "golden period". dan sering pasien tdk memahami urgensinya golden period tersebut. salah satu resiko terlewatnya golden period adalah outcome dari tindakan yg akan kami lakukan tidak maksimal, sehingga potensi kecacatan hingga kematian semakin besar. ditambah lagi perbedaan tingkat pendidikan pasien. pasien yg aku ceritakan td termsk berpendidikan sehingga dia bs dg jelas mengatakan dia butuh waktu berpikir shg kami pun menghormatinya dan memberinya waktu. pasien lain kadang tdk berpendidikan dan hny blg menunggu anggota keluarga yg lain, dan begitu seterusnya tanpa ada penjelasan apapun.

#2 : pasien dg DBD, usia di atas 40 thn. tdk diketahui pny riwayat penyakit jantung. prosedur di rs tmpku bekerja mewajibkan pasien di atas 40 thn menjalani rekam jantung dan foto dada untuk menghindari kemungkinan penyakit jantung yg tdk terdeteksi. aku sdh tnykan kepada dokter spesialis yg merawat dan beliau meminta pemeriksaan tsb dilakukan. aku jlskan kpd pasien dan keluarganya dan mereka menolak, dg alasan mrk ingin mendgr lgsg dr dokter yg bersangkutan. aku jlskan lagi bahwa aku menyarankan tsb krn permintaan dr dokter spesialis yg mereka minta, tetap mereka menolak. aku minta mereka menandatangani penolakan tindakan medis, krn aku sdh menyarankan tp mereka menolak. sebagai bukti bhw aku udah jelasin dan mrk tdk mau terima, aku minta penolakan. tp mereka menolak jg. katanya mereka tdk menolak, tp hny ingin dijlskan sendiri oleh dokter spesialis scr langsung, yg entah datangnya kpn. aku jlskan lg, bhw jk terjadi apa2 dlm kurun waktu pasien keluar dari ugd, ke kamar perawatan hingga dokter spesialis dtg berkunjung, siapa yg akan bertanggung jawab? mereka tidak peduli. untungnya dokter spesialisnya datang tepat saat pasien selesai diantar ke kamar. kami catat dalam catatan perawat dan dokter bhw keluarga pasien dan pasien menolak difoto dan rekam jantung saat di ugd, walaupun tdk ada tanda tangan penolakan. lebih parahnya lagi, pasien dan keluarganya marah2 krn begitu dokter spesialisnya menjelaskan bhw rekam jantung dan foto dada itu memang perlu spt yg aku sudah bilang, pasien harus diturunkan lagi dari kamar perawatannya ke bagian radiologi. mereka protes krn pasien tdk bisa beristirahat. ha!
pesannya? see.. sometimes patient make simple things more complicated. apa bedanya antara pesan yg disampaikan lewat dokter umum dan yg disampaikan dokter spesialis sendiri? kami pny prosedur yg mengutamakan keselamatan pasien, dan tentunya kenyamanan pasien. jika mereka setuju semua prosedur tersebut dilakukan saat di ugd, maka pasien tdk perlu naik turun dari kamar perawatan ke bagian radiologi. dan lagi, saat mereka benar menolak, kenapa mereka tdk mau menandatangani penolakan? bahkan ketika aku setuju merubahnya jadi penundaan? jika benar terjadi sesuatu pada pasien sebelum dokter penanggung jawabnya datang, apa mereka kemudian bs menyalahkanku aku? menuntutku? padahal aku sudah menjelaskan semuanya dan justru mereka yg tdk mau mengikuti prosedur. coba pikir.

#3 : ini terjadi di tempat lain, dan bukan aku dokter jaganya, tp aku di tempat kejadian saat hal itu terjadi. pasien dtg ke ugd karena kejang, tidak sadar dan kemudian butuh dirawat di ICU. keluarga pasien dijelaskan dan disodorkan sejumlah formulir persetujuan medik, mulai dari pasang infus, pemeriksaan CT scan, pemasangan selang kencing, persetujuan dirawat di ICU, persetujuan konsultasi ke berbagai spesialis. keluarga pasien justru marah. krg lebih ucapannya spt ini "apa semua ini perlu saya tanda tangani skrg? pasiennya ditolong dulu dong" FYI, pasien sdh ditangani, dan yg minta tanda tangan adalah perawat yg tdk menangani pasien, dan dokter yg tadinya menjelaskan sdh sibuk menangani pasien lagi. stl dijelaskan itu prosedur rmh sakit yg perlu dilakukan agar pasien bisa dpt perawatan lanjutan, baru keluarga pasien itu mau.
pesannya? semua itu tadi terjadi bersamaan dg pertolongan pada pasien. bayangkan jika dokter2 menerapkan defensive medicine. mereka tdk akan melakukan tindakan sebelum seluruh formulir persetujuan tersebut ditanda tangani. dan peraturan tdk mengijinkan semua tindakan yg diperlukan itu dijadikan dalam 1 formulir yg sama. 1 formulir utk 1 tindakan. sooo.. bayangkan jika semua minta persetujuan utk semua langkah dokter. dan itu utk pasien kegawatan.

intinya, persetujuan tindakan medik ini memang sesuatu yg penting. tapi tingkat pendidikan pasien tidak sama. terkadang mereka justru mundur dari tindakan invasif yg mereka memang butuhkan karena mereka tau resikonya dan justru memilih terapi yang konservatif yang kadang tdk bisa menyelamatkan hidup mereka. sebagian justru karena tahu resikonya, mereka tdk berani memutuskan utk anggota keluarga mereka krn mereka takut disalahkan anggota keluarga yg lain jika keputusan mereka salah. dan sebagian justru merasa pintar, tidak pernah periksa tapi percaya 100% bahwa mereka tidak akan mengalami resiko yg disebutkan dan menolak menandatangani penolakan pula. kami sebagai dokter memahami semua itu, karena itu tolong bantu kami. kami harus minta persetujuan kalian, kami hrs menjelaskan semua resiko dan keuntungannya kepada kalian, bantulah kami untuk belajar, berpikir jernih, memutuskan dan mengambil resiko dari keputusan itu bersama kami. dan jika anda menolak, tanda tanganilah penolakan itu. jangan jadikan itu sebagai sarana untuk menuntut kami kelak. dan percayalah, kami TIDAK berniat mencelakai dan menelantarkan pasien walaupun harus meminta seabrek persetujuan saat kegawatan.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

food review : yamagoya ramen

okay, i know, another ramen review. hahaa.. we were crazy about ramen lately. yamagoya ramen now open in Tunjungan Plaza 5th floor. and for this month they offer 20% off for food only.

the interior was a common ramen place, similar to several ramen places in surabaya. but the seat placement was pretty crowded. if you brought your kids along with their stroller, you probably might have to leave your stroller at the front.

i ordered their wang tang ramen. my husband ordered their yamagoya ramen and the spicy one. my nanny ate their chicken ramen. the yamagoya ramen was their specialty, but there's nothing special about it. it was the complete version of the ramen. it had chasiu, nori, and tamago in a bowl. while my wantang ramen, only consisted with chasiu and wangtang (dumpling). they put a lot of dumplings for one bowl, though it was pretty small, but more than 5 dumplings in a bowl were too much for me. and several of the dumplings skin were not cooked perfectly, so i could taste the flour. no difference in the soup, it was simple broth. not too salty like hakkata, but it was ordinary broth. but at the end of the bowl, my husband noticed there was something grainy inside the broth. we couldn't decide what it was, but we suspected it was the seasoning. like instant noodle seasoning, which not mixed well with the broth.

the spicy one was also similar to other ramen, the difference was the broth was spicy. haha.. pretty boring for a range of menu. and the portion was smaller than hakkata. but for discounted food, it was enough. i didn't hate them, but i didn't like them either. my biggest disappointment was no tamago in every ramen. you had to order additional tamago.

will i come back for more? i don't think so. if you wanted to try, just hurry because the promo was over at the end of november.
yamagoya ramen

wangtang ramen

circle of trust

ada teman yg nulis status pathnya seperti ini kira2 : "dokter itu jualan JASA dan sangat erat kaitannya dengan KEPERCAYAAN."
well, it's true.

i was thankful to God when i was accepted at medical school. artinya aku diberi kepercayaan belajar sesuatu yang susah didapat tapi diperebutkan orang banyak. dan untuk tujuan mulia. saat lulus, aku senang, artinya aku dipercaya telah menguasai semua teori dalam ilmu kedokteran, and now it's time to put that into practice.

memasuki dokter muda, saat yang penting. aku harus menggunakan teori serta latihan praktek yang dulu didapat untuk memeriksa pasien betulan. and i was really really grateful that they trusted me to examine them, questioned them. keliatannya sepele, tapi dari situ aku belajar keahlian sederhana seperti memeriksa tensi darah, periksa fisik, ambil darah pasien, sampai semua pemeriksaan yang dibutuhkan pasien. bahkan kadang aku diberi kesempatan yang lebih langka, mengambil benda asing dari mata, dari telinga, dari tenggorokan... menarik cairan dari paru pasien, menolong persalinan.. semuanya itu nggak mungkin terjadi kalau PPDS yang ada tidak PERCAYA kalau aku mampu dan pasiennya PERCAYA bahwa aku juga mampu.

memang aku nggak langsung melakukan semuanya. aku lihat mereka kerjakan terlebih dahulu, aku liat teknik mereka. setelah 1-2x ngeliat, aku coba sendiri. KEPERCAYAAN pasien saat itu benar2 berharga. aku dapat pengalaman yang sangat berguna waktu aku nanti lulus jadi dokter. saat jadi dokter muda, jika aku melakukan kesalahan, ada PPDS yang mengawasi dan bisa langsung mengkoreksi. tapi kalo udah jadi dokter dan baru pertama kali melakukan? siapa yg bakal koreksi? nggak ada.

setelah lulus, aku cukup senang krn langsung bisa diterima di rumah sakit ternama di surabaya, berarti direkturnya PERCAYA walaupun aku fresh graduate aku mampu untuk jadi pegawai mereka. dan ternyata nggak gampang. pasien di sana cukup menuntut dan sangat kritis. banyak pasien bule juga. bebeberapa memang mempertanyakan tampangku yang cukup imut sehingga mereka ga percaya aku udah lulus kuliah kedokteran. akibatnya? mereka kadang gak mau dapat terapi dari aku, cuma mau diperiksa penunjang dulu, terapinya nanti dulu. akibatnya ke aku? aku jadi nggak tau mereka sakit apa dan itu ga nambah pengalamanku. tapi lama-lama mereka tau kalo aku mampu dan mulai percaya. KEPERCAYAAN mereka membuat aku malah sering jaga, dan makin sering jaga berarti banyak bertemu kasus2 penyakit yang kadang aneh dan menambah pengalamanku. bahkan ada beberapa yang PERCAYA aku ga kalah ama dokter singapura. masalah kepercayaan ini seperti sepele, tapi merembet ke banyak hal.

kalau dulu waktu kuliah aku ga diberi kepercayaan untuk latihan praktik, aku ga akan terampil. kalau waktu dokter muda aku ga diberi kepercayaan untuk anamnese dan pemeriksaan pasien termasuk beberapa tindakan lainnya, aku mungkin lulus tanpa punya keahlian dan ketrampilan apa-apa. kalau waktu aku bekerja aku ga dipercaya pasien mampu mengobati mereka, maka aku ga akan dapat pengalaman apa2, dan bisa jadi waktu ada kegawatan aku ga mampu menolong mereka. kalau masyarakat ga percaya dokter indonesia, mereka yang mampu akan lari ke luar negeri untuk berobat padahal kita gudang penyakit itu (ingat bos astra yg berobat ke singapur krn DBD dan malah akhirnya meninggal?). mereka yg ga mampu? akan dipingpong karena dokter takut dituntut, dari pedalaman akan dirujuk ke rumah sakit daerah, padahal belum tentu medannya bersahabat.
now you see, TRUST do make a HUGEEE difference in a doctor's life. even from their medical school life. start seeing them as an investment. trust them. they might make mistake, but it's for their sake and for you too. and believe me, not even one single doctor plan to do any HARM to their patience.

give us a little TRUST. that's all we need.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

the truth about us, doctors

there were so many news about a OBG being arrested in borneo. the case was happened back when she was in residency program, and turned out now they charged her guilty. now there were some things you guys need to know about us, doctors.

one of my teachers said that a doctor just started life at 40. and i never heard a successful doctor (read: wealthy) under 30. there were reasons behind this. let's go through them. and let's use mine.

kuliah kedokteran butuh waktu 6 tahun. sementara adikku yg kuliah teknik cuma butuh waktu 4 tahun. we were just a year apart, so by the time she was graduated, i still got one more year to go. yang berarti, adikku bisa kerja lebih dulu. kerja lebih dulu = dapet uang lebih dulu = kemungkinan sukses lebih dulu. jadi inget program di sebuah radio, "muda tapi luar biasa". aku blm pernah denger ada dokter dlm program itu. dan seingetku, berita tentang dokter hebat yg masuk media massa akhir-akhir ini cuma dokter dirga rambe, itu pun bukan karena dia sukses atau kaya, tp krn jadi satu2nya vaksinolog termuda. academically, he was great, but financially, probably not.

kuliah duduk di kursi 4 tahun, baru kemudian jadi dokter muda 2 tahun. itu pun gak gampang. kuliah kedokteran 4 tahun untuk dapat gelar sarjana, dilalui dengan 3 yudisium. dokter muda 2 tahun, dilalui dengan 1 yudisium. so many judgements to face before getting our title as doctor. belum lagi urusan biaya. aku angkatan 2003, 10 tahun yang lalu. untuk masuk fakultas kedokteran, karena aku lewat jalur SPMB (dulu UMPTN, sekarang SMPTN, kalo ga salah), uang gedung 5 juta bisa dicicil 2 tahun, SPP 700 ribu/ 6 bulan. jauh lebih murah dibanding teman sekelasku yang masuk lewat jalur PMDK D. Jamanku dulu, biaya masuknya minimal 75 juta, dg SPP 5 juta. 10 tahun kemudian, pasti berkali lipat lebih mahal dari itu. 10 tahun yang lalu, aku pernah ketrima fakultas kedokteran sebuah universitas swasta, dengan biaya uang sumbangan wajib 15 juta, uang sumbangan sukarela minimal 5 juta, SPP 1 tahun 8 juta. sekarang? pasti jauh lebih mahal daripada itu.

dokter muda kita diwajibkan jaga sesuai jadwal. jaga malam, dan terus besoknya sampai jam klinik tutup. jadi, kalo kita masuk klinik jam 7, kita baru bisa pulang besoknya jam 3 sore setelah klinik tutup. artinya, aku harus tetap terjaga selama hampir 33 jam. dan itu selama kurang lebih 2 tahun. tanpa digaji. hanya dapat makan. makanan jaga itu pun seadanya. setahun pertama, makanan jaga itu ditempatkan di rantang susun 3, satu isi nasi, yang dua isi lauk, satu berkuah dan satunya gorengan. rantang itu kadang tidak tertutup sempurna, jadi kalau ada kucing masuk ke kamar DM, pasti rantang itu mudah digulingkan dan dimakan kucing. atau jika celahnya kecil dan tidak ada kucing, akan ada cicak sebagai gantinya. menunya? mirip menu pasien rumah sakit pemerintah. kita sering mengatakan empal sandal japit saking kerasnya. menu favorit? ayam goreng ala kentucky, yang pastinya jarang muncul. setahun berikutnya terdapat perbaikan krn ada anak staf yg protes. kita dapat kotakan, seperti katering. lebih layak. menu juga lebih layak. kebersihan lebih terjamin.

jadi dokter jaga, menangani berbagai macam pasien di rumah sakit pemerintah yang pastinya kurang berpendidikan dan tidak tahu bahwa mereka dapat menulari kita. aku ingat, waktu putaran penyakit dalam, kita akan lewat ruangan UPIPI, yang khusus menangani pasien HIV/AIDS. apa kita diasuransikan? ndak. apa kita dpt keringanan utk tdk menangani mereka? ndak. kita tetap harus memeriksa mereka, tentu saja dg kesadaran harus berhati-hati dengan universal precaution seadanya (baca: hanya sarung tangan dan masker biasa). beberapa teman satu angkatan ada yang tertular TB saat lewat bagian paru, tapi berkat Tuhan, aku lolos dari DM tanpa tertular penyakit apapun.
waktu dokter muda apa jika kita sakit kita bisa ijin? bisa, tapi ganti jaga. demi lulus tepat waktu, aku inget betul, sebisa mungkin aku tidak ijin. aku ingat pernah jaga di bagian anak dengan kondisi badan demam 38 derajat. PPDSku baru tahu aku sakit saat jam 9 malam. aku disuruh pulang, tapi buat apa? aku sudah jaga sejak jam 2. lebih baik diteruskan saja daripada aku harus ganti jaga. waktu jaga di bagian bedah, tidak bisa pulang rumah selama 2 minggu. padahal rumahku masih di surabaya. kenapa? karena jaganya hampir 24 jam. but i did it anyway, since i had that calling for being a doctor. and all those hours was worth it since i got a lot of experience that would help me being a doctor. banyak menangani pasien = banyak pengalaman.

saat lulus, aku termasuk beruntung langsung mendapat pekerjaan di sebuah rumah sakit ternama di surabaya. aku inget betul, awal tahun 2010, aku masuk minggu kedua, dan gajiku di bulan pertama itu tidak tembus angka 1 juta karena 2 minggu awal dihabiskan untuk orientasi. setelah itu aku harus jadi dokter bangsal dulu. kerjanya? mirip dengan dokter muda. setelah itu aku bisa jaga ICU dan UGD. karena jaga UGD, aku dapat bagian untuk pemeriksaan tiap pasien. tapi aku ingat, gajiku tidak lebih dari angka 4 juta tiap bulan kala itu. angka tertinggi yang aku dapatkan sekitar tahun 2011 sebelum aku mengundurkan diri, adalah 6 juta. itu pun karena aku jaga setiap hari. senin-sabtu sore pk 16.00-21.00 aku jaga poli. hari jumat, sabtu dan minggu ditambah jaga pagi, kadang icu kadang ugd. jadi aku tidak punya libur. senin-kamis pagi aku masih jaga di klinik lain. jadi jangan anggapan dokter itu akan cepat kaya cukup salah besar.

we have to work our ass off since medical school to where we are today. and it wasn't easy. so please give us a break. jadi dokter itu tidak mudah. dan jadi dokter itu tidak menjanjikan kekayaan. dan aku biacara tentang dokter umum. semoga bisa memberi pandangan baru. memang kami dokter, harusnya mengabdi, tapi bukan berarti kami tidak boleh sejahtera.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

food review : santouka ramen

it was rainy when we decided to try another ramen. first we wanted to try the one in tanjong pagar, but it was late already and it was matthew's dinner time too, so we headed to santouka. it was a small restaurant, and they had little space outside too. but since it was raining, we chose inside. nothing special about the place. the decoration was standard japanese food decoration.

i chose wangtangmen, and the other i forgot since i was busy feeding matthew. but i remembered my husband ordered their tokusen toroniku, their black pig meat. it was supposed to be their specialty. but i didn't try it. but i guess it was nothing special since my husband didn't brag about it a lot. hahaa..

my wangtangmen was okay, it was also similar to hakkata's. nothing special though. i still prefer hakkata. but i didn't complain. it was not too salty, not too sweet, enough broth in the soup, and decent meat proportion. and it was warm enough to warm a hungry stomach on rainy days.

the funny story was, matthew was having a hard time eating there. i had to cook the porridge myself, but he could eat the wangtang from my ramen along with the egg and soup. he used to watch tv while eating, so i played the hi-5 video while he was eating too. and funny things happened. it was this one song, and suddenly he started to dance following the video! it was funny since he did it spontaneously. he never danced before at home. we were laughing and giggling. and the owner (i guessed it was the owner) saw it. he talked to matthew, asking his name and stuff. and he was pleased when matthew could reply back to him even though he was just 16 months old! and for reward for being too cute, he gave matthew a candy. hahaha... it was a higlight of the day. and of course i would go back there again.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

food review : marutama ramen

okay, i told you that we're on ramen tryout while in singapore, thanks to my husband's craving. the first one that we tried was marutama ramen. our hotel was in marina mandarin, which was close to suntec city. so we headed to marutama ramen. i didn't know why everyone chose to sit outside. it was a simple restaurant. a counter inside, some tables and chairs. no special interior. just a common japanese attributes. i was surprised that singapore was child-friendly. they had baby chair, and even understood that we brought baby food with us.

now about the ramen. it was similar to those ramen in surabaya. the soup tasted a bit like hakkata's, but milder. the ramen only consisted with ramen, seaweed, a piece of pork meat. no egg. but my husband ordered extra egg, so problem solved. it was delicious. warm and comforting for an exhausted body and mind. it was simple but full with flavour.

so, if you wanted to try ramen in singapore and lived nearby.. i suggested you try this one. some blogger said that their gyoza was the best, but i didn't try it and i forgot to ask my husband how it was.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

our second family trip : singapore!

yey!! finally we are going to singapore!! we had bought the plane ticket long before idul fitri.. so i was a little worry when i found out that my residency's schedule would be faster than it was supposed to be. but turned out that everything was okay. i only skipped a few class. fiuh..

#1 departure date
i was worried that my son will be having trouble in his eating again, like back in idul fitri. in the morning he ate his oatmeal as usual, and then his fruit as usual. but then i bought chicken porridge for his lunch. he has eaten the same chicken porridge before, so i thought he would eat it. but turned out he refused to eat. only eat 3-4 spoonful. then i made him another oatmeal. he also refused it. only ate half of it, but i was relieved, at least he had something in his stomach. on the way to airport, he was asleep so he could drink his milk, another food for him. but he was awake at the airport, while we were going to eat at AW. since the chicken was too hard for him, i only gave him rice and chicken skin, at least he ate something more. this was his first trip by plane, so i was worry that he would be uncomfortable during take-off and landing. my parents told me to give him something to chew or his milk if he was asleep. when it was time for take-off, he was not asleep, so i gave him his biscuit to eat. take-off was fine, fiuh.. he was a bit afraid when he saw that we were flying above the ground, but then everything was okay. and then he was asleep for the entire flight, so no fuss during flight. he was awake when landing, since it was very noisy. he refused to drink or eat during landing, but fortunately, he was okay. he held on to me so tight during landing, but he was okay.
at the airport, i gave him some biscuit and milk again, while my husband ate burger. he asked for the fries which he refused back at home. surprise..surprise.. but i let him, since we tried to let him eat everything. he was soooo excited at the airport, so he was doing funny things that made people at the airport laugh at him. hahahaa.. adorable son..

the hotel was okay, i could work to bath him and stuff in the bathroom hotel. and his portable high chair fit perfectly. fiuh. everything that we've prepared paid off. after taking a bath, we went to dinner. another trouble. he only ate a quarter of the rice porridge, but i wasn't worried. he ate his fries, and some of our ramen. ah well.. maybe he was excited trying something new. and he was happy seeing my sisters. hehehe..

#2. zoo time!
breakfast : oatmeal as usual. done. and then his snack. all done without any trouble. then we were off to the zoo. he wore his hat for a quarter journey around the zoo, but when it was hot, he threw the hat off. hahaha.. he was excited watching the giraffe, zebra, dolphin and stuff. he ran everywhere every time he could. he was excited when my sister told him that he could ride a pony, but the officer said that he was too young to ride a pony. *sigh* the weather was so hot so we decided to stop to eat ice cream. what a nice treat before we headed back to have our lunch. trouble came at lunch. he refused to eat anything. he ate some but threw it out later. i gave him his banana, he ate it alright, but soon he threw out everything. and then i decided i had to cook his own porridge, since the consistency was inconsistent.  luckily he was asleep in the taxi, so i could give him his milk. and he slept for almost 2 hours. and the first try-out for my homemade porridge paid off. he ate it. well, not all of it, but most of it, so i was relieved. my nightmare was him being sick on our holiday, that's why i had to do everything to make him eat. and then we were heading to the mall. he was running around, he was so excited watching something new, but the mall was crowded so we had to carry him to move around quicker. and then we ate at another ramen restaurant. at the restaurant, he ate his porridge with some dumplings, while watching hi-5 on my ipad. and there was this funny thing. he watched the same songs again, and suddenly he danced along the song! it was funny. he did it spontaneously. and the resto owner was surprised. he gave my son a candy, probably because he was too cute, with his dancing and stuff, hahaha.. oh we tried some singapore best ten ramen, but i will write about it in another blog post.

#3. S.E.A aquarium
morning routine went out fine. and off we go to sentosa island. i was planning to go there with the express train, but my husband said that we should try the cable car. it was my son's first cable car ride. i was worry that he might be frightened when we were above the ground, but turned out he was frightened, but still consolable so we could arrive at the sentosa safe and sound. he was afraid to look down and around on the cable car, and every time i moved around inside the cable car, he was holding tight to me. hehehee..  and then we still waited for the bus. another officer smitten by his cuteness. but unfortunately, he couldn't make the bus came faster, so we still had to wait. then we arrived at the resort world close to his lunch time, so we ate first. again, when he was eating plus watching hi-5, he danced again, and amazed some japanese tourist on our next table, hahahaa....and then the aquarium. we saw a lot of fish. the cute thing was, matthew was asking about penguin, since at the zoo, the penguin also inside the seeing glass, like in the aquarium. hahhaha.. he thought penguin was some kind of fish. he was super excited, watching all of those fish, most bigger than him, hahaha.. he ran around in front of the viewing glass. before we even reached the exit door, he fell asleep.. hahaa. too bad, since he was asleep, we couldn't see the merlion and headed back to the hotel. in the afternoon, we tried italian food. this time it was harder for him to eat since there were no soup beside his porridge. so, we fed him pasta and pizza too. and everyone in the restaurant were attracted to him. there was this one waiter, she even teased my son by giving her phone number, but only two numbers at a time. hahahaa.. when we were leaving, she said "i love you" and was hoping that my son would say the same since most kids echoed what we said, hehehehe.. pretty funny actually. everyone loved matthew and his cuteness. hihihi..

#4. going back home
yep. our holiday was over. we went back home. we managed to arrive at the airport early to eat brunch. matthew ate porridge in the morning and his banana for his snack. but when we ate, he wanted some, so i fed him some noodles and soup. and then my husband found this playground at the airport. he was excited..running around like crazy, but it wasn't designed for toddlers under 2 years, so matthew had a hard time. he couldn't reach the slide since it was pretty difficult for him. but he managed to have fun. and then when it was time to wait, he was running around along the way to the waiting room. by the time we was inside the waiting room and boarding time, it was also near his lunch. so he screamed, wanted to eat my burger. i planned his meal on board, but since he was asking for food, i tried to give him some of my burger. but turned out he was starving and kept asking for more. by the time for take-off, he was asleep even before it was the safe time to unfasten the seat belt. fiuh.. i was worried that he might had trouble on the second take-off. he slept for the whole flight again, and woke up right on time for landing. and this time i was a little bit confidence  that he would be fine even though he didn't eat or drink during landing. thank God everything was okay.. he could eat and drink, slept as usual, and had fun. fiuhh... we were excited for more trips to come. but first i have to graduate. *sigh*

Friday, October 18, 2013

food review : alessandro

last sunday, we were going out for dinner at PTC. at first, we intended to eat chinese food, but then we came across this new eating place named alessandro. it was supposed to serve italian food, but they had other food in their menu, like chinese and indonesian food. so we were hooked.

the restaurant was a regular restaurant, no special thing in their interior design. and yes, they are kids-friendly (read: they had baby chair). we tried the pizza (it was supposed to be their star) and lasagna. my husband tried their tom yum soup and chicken terriyaki fried rice. my nanny tried their asem2 iga or like they said "kiyer-kiyer soup". both the chinese and indonesian food turned out great. and pizza was okay. it was similar to pisa's. thin crust pizza with fresh (tasted fresh) tomato sauce. but the lasagna was a little bit disappointed for me. i compared it to pizza hut's. i was hoping for a decent pasta with beef fillings with fresh tomato sauce. they had the beef with fresh tomato sauce, they even had some tomato slices on the side. but the pasta was thin and slippery, made it difficult to cut the lasagna. and the beef was not satisfying.

well, overall it was worth to try. the price? i could accept it, since the food was delicious. go ahead and try it if you wanted to try italian food but your special someone or other people didn't like italian food and prefer chinese or indonesian food instead.

Friday, October 11, 2013

food review : sushi tei

yep.. another japanese food. this time, it's a high-end stuff. sushi tei is pricier than other japanese restaurants i've reviewed before. you can find them mostly inside the shopping mall, TP, galaxy mall, and ciputra world. they all have similar interior arrangement. in the middle there's a space for their chefs to prepare the sushi. and there's a walking belt surrounding that space that served some sushi and salads. you can pick one that you like directly or order it from the waiters/waitresses. they used different color for their plates to differentiate the price. so you must be careful in case you didn't want to pay a lot!

i don't want to talk about the restaurant ambiance since all three places have similar ambiance. even similar interior design too. let's talk about the menu! most of it are sushis and sashimis. mostly raw sushi. i can't remember which cooked sushi that delicious.. huuuuu... didn't like raw food? you can order tempura, ramen, or bento. their ramen was okay.. some of our med rep had tried it and they said it was okay. i didn't know for sure since i always eat their sushi. but i do have one recommendation for beverage : sushi tee sunset something.. hahaha.. i can't remember the exact name, but if you said that clue to the waiter, i'm sure they'll understand which one.

their sushi was okay, but i like their raw sushi better. unfortunately, their servings are small. mostly 2 sushis in one plate. the cooked one usually only 6 pieces. while in sushi hana or peco-peco they could serve 6-8 pieces per plate. and they charged more for smaller portion compared to sushi hana and peco-peco. *sigh* that's why i seldom eat here. but.. if you wanted to splurge, indulge yourself in good food.. then you couldn't miss this one if you are japanese food lover.

update: i ate there yesterday, and i tried their fuji roll (cooked) and ebi tempura maki (cooked). i als ordered salmon don (raw). both sushi were okay, but i couldn't eat fuji roll much since the sauce was spicy. the salmon don was so-so, i liked the one in new zealand better. (sushi tei galaxy mall) (sushi tei tunjungan plaza)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

food review: hachi-hachi bistro

another japanese food review! i loovveedd japanese food. okay, there were 2 kinds of hachi-hachi. hachi-hachi bistro and the other hachi-hachi. hachi-hachi bistro was on citraland and TP. and the other hachi-hachi was on Supermall. the only difference was the menu. the bistro one had more complete menu.

what to order? i recommended their sushi. when i was craving for sushi, i went there and sushi hana. i had 3 class of sushi, the high-end one (sushi tee), middle class (sushi hana and hachi-hachi), and lower end (peco-peco). all of them was good for their sushi. what's the difference beside the price? the portion. here in hachi-hachi bistro, they had 8 pieces for their sushi, while sushi tee sometimes only 2-4 and sushi hana ranged between 4-6-8 pieces. if you wanted to eat sushi in big portion with friends, then this was a good choice.

and place. citraland gwalk was well known foodish heaven. though it was almost secluded in west surabaya, but it was worth trying. hanging out with friends and family.. it was nice. the bistro had a good vibe too. you could choose indoor or outdoor. and they were children friendly too. they had baby chair and even toys for them to play! the bistro in TP was located on TP3 (i forgot which floor, but it was the food level, the upper one. it was across penang house).

menu: sushi, like i told you before. for salmon, right now my choice was their club salmon roll. and the other was their dragon roll. they provided other dish like ramen, udon, bento and steak. my husband loved their spicy seafood ramen/udon, but it was SPICY! other dishes i didn't know. i noticed there were difference in the menu from the first time i ate there and yesterday. i'll inform you guys again when i was sure about the other menu. what not to order: my husband once ordered their seafood something, and it was blah...

Saturday, September 28, 2013

food review : la rucola

yeyy.. finally i got to eat here! this was supposed to be our 2nd anniversary, but since our schedule were unpredictable, my husband suddenly asked me out this afternoon! well.. without no further ado, let's talked about it!

from the parking lot, you could see what kind of people eating here. my car was the cheapest one (compared to others..). even the parking officer wasn't sure when i gave sign, whether i was going to eat there or taking left turn. well, inside it was quite hot, giving they had air conditioner inside. i was wondering how they separated the non smoking with smoking room since everywhere was the same, no different air circulation. blah. but luckily, no one was smoking, well, there was one, but we've already finished by the time he was smoking.

menu. everything was italian cuisine. no other dishes, not like cafe pisa which still gave other option. so, if you planned to bring you nanny or other helper, you have to make sure that they could eat pizza at least. the menu was differentiated into 4 groups, like italian tradition. the appetizer (oh, and there were carpaccio too.. ), first course, second course and dessert. the main courses were pastas, steaks, and pizzas. i've read online that their pizza was good, so i had to try them.

my husband arrived late so i got the chance to look at the menu quite long enough to make up my mind. we would order one pizza, and then if he was having a steak, then i'll order a pasta. and we had it that way. we ordered a ham and mushroom pizza, my husband ordered a beef steak with mushroom sauce, and i ordered fetuccini but i forgot how they cooked the meat, but i remembered it was beef, rosemary, parsley and creamy sauce.

the pizza was okay, it was thin and crusty, unlike pizza hut's pizza. but the tomato sauce was refreshing. overall, it was a nice pizza, but not too satisfying so we could still eat our main courses. the steak was juicy and tender. the sauce was a little bit salty, but i liked it. very similar to beef gourmet's and stevan's. but the salad was blah. we agreed that twitzel's was way better than that. and my pasta, the fetuccini was cooked al dente, but i forgot to tell the waitress that i didn't like too much pepper, and the meat was too hot for me. and it wasn't creamy enough for me. and i thought it was pretty weird, since they didn't have alfredo pasta in their menu. did they worth the money? i thought cafe pisa was a better choice for me. but if the liquor that made you eat there, then probably la rucola won, since they had so many choices of liquor, from beer to wine.
ham & mushroom pizza

beef steak with mushroom sauce and salad

beef fetuccini, with rosemary in creamy sauce

Friday, September 27, 2013

food review : sushi hana/ sushi mori

warning: this is just for sushi lover. they had dishes other than sushi, but i loved their sushi, so i didn't know about the other dish.

first, why i put sushi hana and sushi mori on the title because at first, they were the same, and then probably the owner separated and decided to change the name a little bit. so far, i knew sushi hana was on ruko darmo permai (near papaya), sutos, east cost food festival, while sushi mori was on ruko at dr soetomo. i've tried them all, and i could say they tasted nearly the same.

they had appetizer, sushi and sashimi, ramen and soba, and bento or dinner. my husband once tried their beef teriyaki dinner, and he liked it. he said it was sweet like he wanted it to be. but my mum once tried their ramen and she didn't like it. she liked tong-tong's better. and the appetizer, we've tried the fried soft shell crab, tempura, and i forgot what else, but we liked them.

about the sushi.. there were many choices to pick. from raw to cooked sushi. but i liked them all. all time favorit? probably spider roll, rock n roll, and caterpillar roll. oh, and i loved their baked salmon, but i didn't like the baked scallop. check out for yourself..!

Friday, September 13, 2013

for moms to be

i just found out that one of my good friends is expecting! yay! but turned out that she had a lot to think, even though she had 2 sisters to talk to. i remembered when i was expecting myself, i got only me and my husband, and he let me decide almost everything. and i had no sister to talk to since they were in singapore and had no idea about motherhood. and my mom gave up too.. she said, today was way much different from her old days. so i guess, i wanted to share something to help moms to be out there..

how to pick an OG doctor:
personally, i was not picky about the doctor. as long as i knew he/she was okay (referring to my med school days), i had no problem. i didn't pick a female doctor, because some of them were quite new and people said female og usually more strict than males og. but if you didn't comfortable being examined by male doctor, then you should find female one. i guessed these days female og's were getting bigger in number, so i wouldn't be difficult to find them.
other factor that i considered in choosing the doctor : could he/she practiced in the hospital that i chose to give birth at. since i picked RKZ the place to give birth, i had to make sure that my doctor could practice there. and last factor: did he/she practice in hospital? this was pretty important for me, since i didn't want to wait a hell long time just to get my antenatal care. for your information, practice time in hospital were limited so there won't be a long line like in private practice. i would bored my husband to death if he had to accompany me to the private practice.
based on that criteria, i picked doctor pudjo, first since i knew him back in my med school days (he was my teacher), and he practiced in RS Premier which was close to my husband's office so we could eat outside after the check up, hehehe.. and since dr pudjo was a consultant, he could practice in RKZ too.. oh and the way to give birth. i chose natural delivery, so if dr pudjo couldn't make it, the midwives could help, but if you had to do a caesarean, you would probably pick more than one doctor, in case your doctor couldn't make it on the day you were supposed to give birth.

how to pick a pediatrician:
fyi, i separated my pediatrician in two, one for checking the baby after being delivered, and one for permanent check up, vaccination, and stuff. since i didn't know RKZ pediatrician and i forgot which mitra pediatrician who also practiced there, so i decided to just pick a RKZ pediatrician. since i believed there wouldn't be any problem with my baby. then i would pick another pediatrician, closer to my home for check up, vaccination, and stuff. i picked mitra doctors since i knew them well, and i also believed that my baby would be just fine. and turned out, so far he only needed his vaccination. he only got flu twice so far. so, if you wanted to pick only one doctor, you had to find out, where did he practice, could he also help in the hospital when you were giving birth (especially for those who had to do caesarean), and how he dealt with baby illnesses (did he give antibiotics so easily? did he believe in breastfeeding exclusively? and most importantly could you have a comfortable communication with him?).

about the hospital:
my criteria for hospital was the baby room's nurse quality. i believed the RKZ nurses were more capable in handling babies than mitra's. and i needed them to teach me how to take care of my baby. fyi, i was alone after giving birth. my mom had some business in the church, my mom in law was away, and i didn't have babysitter yet. so i had to understand how to take care of my baby from the very first day. and i doubted that mitra's nurses would dare to teach me. another criteria was whether the hospital offered "rawat gabung" or not. it was pretty important, especially if you wanted to breastfed exclusively. and also location. even though i picked a hospital farther than RKZ, i wouldn't give birth en route, but i had to think about my husband and family and friend who wanted to visit me. that's why RKZ was an ideal choice. it wasn't that far from my house, and my family, but it was also not far from our friends. and the price was okay for us.

another thing to think for now: breastfeeding.
i only prepared myself for breastfeeding just only for the first few month, and i just read from the internet, and it wasn't enough. i freaked out when i found out that my breastmilk didn't come out at the first day, but the nurse assured me that it was okay. if only i knew about those organization that helped new moms who were clueless about breastfeeding, i would be more relaxed than i were. for you who wonder about breastfeeding, just find AIMI in twitter. they even had private consultation at your home!

hopefully, this post will help you..

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

food review : hakkata ikkousha

we have tried this one before, but since i liked tong-tong better, we never went back again. but yesterday, my husband was craving for warm and soupy noodles, so we went there again since tong-tong hasn't opened yet. here in hakkata ikkousha you had to wait for them to seat you. on our first visit, matthew was still a newborn, maybe just a month or two, and we had no babysitter at that time, so they let us wait inside. and even we got the bigger table. and the owner arranged for our food to come out one by one, since one must took care of the baby while the other ate. that's a pretty considerate owner! we were impressed. but the food didn't impress us much. it was too salty for our taste.

yesterday, since the ramen selection was more than our first visit, we had more option to choose. my husband tried their pork tam-tam ramen, and i tried their pork light ramen. i now noticed the difference between tong-tong and hakkata. in tong-tong, the soup was clear and only seasoned with salt or shoyu. but in hakkata, the soup was a stock of pork, that's why it was salty. my husband also ordered pork ribs. the ramen was still salty, but it was okay. i still prefer tong-tong though. the ribs was okay, but nuri's was way better. hahaha.. probably because i was too accustomed to western's ribs.

the menu was mostly consisted with ramen, and other noodles, and ribs and fried food like tempura. the don choice was limited also. and there was no sashimi or other raw food, which was weird for japanese restaurant. ah well, my husband said that they were real. back in japanese, he saw some ramen like ones from hakkata, so probably if they said we're the 3rd branch from japan, it'd probably true.

sooo.. if you wanted to try cooked japanese food, hakkata was a good place to go. but for me, stil tong-tong numero uno for ramen!
That's my pork ramen light.
That's the pork tam-tam ramen.
And that's the pork ribs

*update* couple days ago my husband suddenly craved for ramen, and we ate there again. this time i ate the pork shoyu ramen. according to the explanation, it was similar to tong-tong's chasiu wangtangmen. but minus the wang tang aka dumpling. the difference between those two was the soup. tong-tong's soup was clear and all was shoyu plus water. while hakkata ikkousha's was a mix between stock, probably pork, shoyu and water. no wonder it was saltier than tong-tong's. oh, and by the way, i started to like hakkata ikkousha, but tong-tong still win my heart.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

food review: bentoya

okay.. it's time to review japanese food again. for those who never tried japanese food, i suggested to try at bentoya. for me, it was friendly to indonesian's taste. and they had a pretty good food variation to offer, from bento, don, fried rice and noodles (in japanese term, yakimeshi and yakiramen/udon), and sushi-sashimi. they also had snow ice! let's review on by one.

bento: this was a complete package and a subtle one to try on your first japanese food trial. it was a lunch box consisted with rice, choice of your meat fried or grilled, and some side dish like salad. since the spices only in the meat, it was a pretty good start to try japanese. and most indonesian loved fried foods, so that's why i recommended bento.

fried rice/noodles : if you wanted a little bit more, probably fried rice/ noodles was the best choice. you got to taste the spices more, and find out about japanese style-fried rice/noodles. it might look like indonesian's fried rice/noodles, but trust me, they used their own soy sauce, so it tasted different.

ramen/udon soup: if you didn't like non soupy food, probably you would like to try their ramen/udon soup. personally, i never tried them, so i couldn't say anything about them. but my mom did, and she didn't like it. she liked tong-tong's ramen more. so.. try at your own risk.

don: this was another version of rice dish. it was rice cooked together with meat, egg and onions. i liked their chicken katsu don and chicken teriyaki don. my brother often ordered their tempura don. it just a matter of meat choice. for me, their katsu don was a comfort food for me. it was warm and satisfying.. yumm.. but if you didn't like onion too much, you could ask them to spare the onion. sometimes i did that too...

sushi and sashimi : well, sashimi wouldn't differ much from any other japanese restaurant, just in cutting process. but for sushi, bentoya sushi were totally indonesian-modified sushi. and i prefer their sushi before the last one. so, right now, i disliked their sushi. but for a beginner, they would find their sushi suitable for their taste. my recommendation: tokyo dome and superball. they still tasted the same from the first. but for other sushi, they've already changed.

okay... i think that's all. the other food was fried food, so i didn't need to review them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

food review : beef gourmet

steak lovers.. prepare yourself. i have eaten in stevan meat shop for 2-3 times, so i decided to persuade my husband to try beef gourmet. as beef gourmet was already there before stevan, and so many people said that their steaks was yummy, so i wanted to make sure myself.

like stevan, the restaurant had a small supermarket inside, especially for meat, poultry, seafood, and the other food products. the minimarket was bigger and more complete than stevan's, so if you only wanted to buy some meat and didn't want to eat there, i suggested you go there instead of stevan. they had more choices to picked from. and as for the restaurant, they were side by side with the minimarket, and it was decorated with pictures mostly from musical department, not only international musicians, but also some domestic musicians.

at stevan, i didn't order anything beside steak, but at beef gourmet, i tried their pasta carbonara. sorry i didn't take any picture because my son was running around and already starving when they served the pasta. it was a decent portion of pasta, with salad on the side and a pretty big garlic bread. my son loved their garlic bread. but i hated the salad. it tasted like raw vegetables. their dressings didn't help much. my husband ordered their rib eye steak. i forgot which kind.. , again. sorry.. but the meat was juicier at stevan's. perhaps because they cooked it on hot stone back in stevan, but they didn't have that option at beef gourmet. and the meat was a little bit salty for my taste.

if i wanted some pasta and other dishes, i would like to go back to beef gourmet, but for steak, i would definitely go back to stevan.

series review : elementary

this was another series that i found interesting to watch. since i had to wait for my ordinary series' new season to come, i decided to look for a new series. the other was person of interest, which i had blogged earlier. and this one was elementary. it was a new take for sherlock holmes.

holmes was still a british man in this series, but with previous drug addict history. that's why, he was accompanied by his famous companion, dr.watson. but here's the spin, the dr.watson was not a man, but a lady doctor. and she was a doctor, but now she worked as sober companion. hence, she could be holmes' companion due to her work as a sober companion thanks to holmes' father. together they consulted by the NYPD force, whose captain was a friend of holmes back in the scotland yard days. they solved homicide and many other mysteries with holmes ability to deduct things from surroundings. i was watching it as an ordinary detective series, that's why i was surprised they even dragged along irene adler and the notorious M aka moriarty along in this series. adler was holmes' girlfriend who was killed by moriarty. the plot didn't seem to change much from the ordinary series. but who would know? i just watched half of it. but it was a pretty interesting series to watch. especially if you like murder case and eccentric primary role like holmes. oh, i didn't recognize the main actor that played holmes, but i did know lucy liu who played joan watson.. how exciting!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

series review : person of interest

i was pretty bored lately.. and my series were still in waiting for their new season.. so i browsed to find a new interesting series. and then i found two that caught my eye, one was person of interest, and the other was elementary. i've just read person of interest only, so i didn't know anything yet about the later. and so far, i liked what i saw.

person of interest was a story about a former CIA agent and a geek who built a machine that could find terorist attack gonnabe. but the machine couldn't differentiate between a small crime and a big crime. so when a crime was about to happen, the machine would produce a number, a social number from the person who would be conflicted in a case. whether it was the victim's or the perpetrator's, the machine didn't know. so the geek teamed up with the former CIA agent to hunt down whoever got their number coming out from the machine.

and a lot happened. and so far i liked what i saw. it got me addicted to watch it. it was something new, the ideas, and no overrated drama. it was real life story, probably even real, but we didn't know it. i hoped the second season would be as interesting as the first.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

food review : pork-kee

pork kee was located on hr muhammad, pretty close to leko. like its name, pork kee was a pork specialist restaurant. so, if you were moslem, you might want to skip this one. if you have ever been to bali and tried nuri's steak, pork kee was a dupe for nuri's. everything from the menu was a copy from nuri's. but, the portion was smaller than nuri's. and of course, nuri's tasted better. but if you had cravings for nuri's, this might be your best option in surabaya.

i forgot what i ate there, but i was sure my husband chose the pork ribs. he said that it was okay, but nuri's was way better. my mom and dad tried their baikut sayur asin, and it was a bit salty for their taste, but it was okay. overall, if you wanted nuri's so bad, you should try it.

Friday, July 26, 2013

it's been a year already

fiuh.. it's been a year already! i almost finished my "magang", and a lot happened.i understood more about hospital management and stuff. but i also had to acknowledged some help from my classmates and hospital staffs. without them i wouldn't be able to finish all the tasks.

at first, i was desperate, knowing that i was 3 months behind due to my maternal leave. i didn't know anything about what to looked for and what to write on the report. i asked some friends, and i begged for their report so i could learn about it, and i had some clue. at least, i knew what to looked for, and i studied fast. every hospitals had their own policy, so i had to learn the best way to persuade them, and gained benefits for me and for the hospital. and the first seminar was a shock therapy for me. though my lecturer said it was okay, but i still couldn't understand it all. i still haven't understand all the laws about hospital. and even though i searched the internet, i seemed couldn't find the right keyword to find it.

so, i thought, hey.. why i didn't ask my classmates? most of them had worked at the hospital for quite some time, so probably they knew a thing or two about the rules and regulations. and so i did. i asked mas aris about nursing management, i asked bu anna about medical record regulations, and i always asked nico for help. hahaa.. i did use all the resource i could get on hand so i could finish my report quickly.

and here i am, at my last report. i hoped i could finish it on time, so i could focus about residency report and my thesis. and luckily, i could graduate on time

Saturday, July 20, 2013

food review : tong-tong

let's jump to tong-tong!! this is a japanese restaurant. and i loooovvveee their cha siu wang tang men. when i first visited this place, the food portion was way too much for me, but right now, since they divided the portion to small and medium, i could eat up the medium size! was it my stomach that got bigger? anyway, tong-tong especially served ramen and don menu, but they also had katsu and other fried stuff. but no bento here. they also had fried rice and fried noodle, but in japanese taste.

i've said earlier that my favorite was cha siu wang tang men. it was like a wonton noodle in chinese restaurant. they came in two options, shoyu (soy sauce) or shio (salt). i always chose shoyu. sometimes i also ate their chicken katsu don. my brother always ordered tempura don. mom chose corn ramen. my husband once tried their fried noodles. for me, it was okay, but for him, it was weird. mostly because he was not so fond of japanese food. what made tong-tong different from other japanese restaurant was because it was kept original by its owner. my husband told me that in japanese, the ramen was taste like that. so, hopefully when i got the chance to go to japan, i could eat all their food.

let's talk about cha siu wang tang men. like i told you before, it was like a wonton noodle soup. usually i ordered no vegetables. beside noodles, there were a few wonton, some pork ham slices, and half of hard boiled egg. for me, it was a comfortable food when i was down or sick. yesterday, my husband bought me 2 medium, but since we still had the soup left, this morning we tried to recreate it. and it really tasted like the original. i wished i could know what was inside the soup.. then i could recreate the whole dish.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

food review : stevan meat shop

close to vinette and pisa cafe, there was stevan meat shop. another western food. actually, this was a meat shop plus restaurant. so you got to pick the meat you wanted, then you could take it home and cooked it yourself or you could asked them to cook it for you and ate there. we ate them twice. on our first visit, i picked tenderloin (i forgot the kind of the meat, angus or NZ or etc), and my husband chose pork ribs. both were okay. mine was juicy and tender. unfortunately, i chose to take mine on plate, not on hot stone. i figured out later that on hot stone was better. the price was pricey for steak. they also didn't include the side dish like french fries and salad. you had to pay separately for the side dish. so i didn't order any. but they served a basket of mini rolls bun for free. my son was very fond of those buns. at his first visit, he could eat two of them! he was just less than a year back then.

on our second visit, it was my mom's birthday. now i chose rib eye (again.. i forgot the kind of the meat), my brother picked tenderloin, my mother chose chicken steak. i forgot what my husband and my father's choice. now i chose the hot stone. they even offered to cook the steak on hot stone at serving time. so it was another entertainment for us. watching the waiter to cook my steak on our table, smelling the delicious aroma coming from the steak. and it was very delicious. though it was fatty also. but i didn't eat it. everybody was pleased with their order except my mum. poor mom, they cooked the entire chicken, and it was fat-less. so it came out dry. next time i'll try to remember not to order her chicken, but salmon instead. overall, for that price, it was worth it for the steak. we would try them again.. if we had more money..ahahha..

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

food review : vinnette

next to pisa cafe was vinnette. it was also a western cuisine. their specialty was their escargot, but since my husband didn't like weird stuff like that, i couldn't try it. it was also in a cafe setting, like in paris. i didn't remember which menu that we picked, but i remembered we ordered steaks. for my husband, it was too salty for his taste. but for me it was fine. the meat was juicy and tender. but it was true, at the end, it was too salty for me too. but overall, for that  price, it was pricey. probably we should just try their escargot. after all, many people went back there for the escargot, so it should be very delicious.

i forgot what we had for desert. but desert would always be desert. i guessed i didn't complain much about desert. so if you fond of western food, and wanted to try something new, like escargot, you could eat here. by the way, if you were curious about angus house, i thought the taste were quite similar for the steak. so, if you wanted to know what angus' steak would taste like, you should try vinette's for half price.

Monday, July 15, 2013

food review : pisa cafe

i had this conversation with another doctor in my hospital, he was back from his duty from sumba. and he was trying to catch up metropolis life. he asked about food and malls, all about metropolis lifestyle, and i just realized, i never did a food review. so i just tried to start it now.

pisa cafe was located in the east and west surabaya. since i lived in west surabaya, i reviewed the one in the boulevard area. it was a nice setting, really a cafe setting. at the second floor, they even opened the veranda so you could eat outdoor. if surabaya's weather was not so hot, it was a good idea. sitting in the veranda, eating and drinking a cup of coffee or just enjoying your gelato. but if it's hot, it was not a good idea being there. cafe pisa was located on the side of a main road, so there always a busy traffic in front of the cafe. and you could imagine the smoke from all vehicles carried by the wind to the veranda. not a good idea to eat outside.

about the food. mainly it was a italian cuisine, but they slipped some indonesian or chinese or another asian cuisine just in case the visitor didn't like italian cuisine. i only tried their pasta, but my brother warned me not to order their one meter pizza. though they advertised it like it was their specialty, it turned out bad. i always liked their alfredo pasta. for me, it was a comfort food, something that could fulfill my western crave. their pizza was like an italian standard pizza. it wasn't big, so don't imagine it was like pizza hut. the bread was very thin, and the topping was not as much as pizza hut's. it was a italian pizza by the book. thin crust and minimal topping. my brother tried their calzone and he said it was good.

recommended for young couple, italian cuisine lover. and gelato lover. their gelato was delicious. and many flavors to pick from. not for family reunion, but i often saw a birthday party or a small group reunion there.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

benchmark trip to manila

it was supposed to be hospital benchmark trip, but it turned out to be quite a bunch of mess. due to unprofessional tour guide.

#1. departure date
my husband always says be prepare of anything. so, he gave me his scale, universal plug and T. i also browsed about the mall that we were going to go at manila, and looked for the shop that i probably go to and made a shopping plan in my head. i also browsed about manila sim card which provided data plan. i was suspicious that the man explaining at our class was our tour guide, and he seemed unprepared. i asked about the sim card and he didn't know a clue. so, it was proven at our departure date. surabaya to kuala lumpur was fine. when we arrived at kuala lumpur, the line at immigration was crazy. some of us got through earlier than the other. and some was eager to pray because it was time. and after that we still had city tour. some of us was thirsty. so some women decided to told the tour guide, that we would go to toilet, pray and buy some water. and we agreed a meeting point. the stupid thing was, he didn't wait for the rest inside the building, and he was crazy mad when he found out that some of us didn't come out yet when it was time to go city touring. (-.-") that's stupidity number 1. as tour guide, you should informed us right away after we took off from the plane. where they could pray, where the toilet was, and where our next meeting point.  from that impression, i distrust him right away.

the city tour turned out to be just like what i have said. it was useless. we just went to near mosque and then back to the airport. since we were late, our lunch was being taken away and we had nowhere to eat. so we just sat wherever we could at the airport and ate. and then we were off to manila. dinner was on board, and the chosen menu was nasi padang. it was not a choice for everyone since some of us couldn't eat spicy food. but luckily, i had my chicken nugget and egg sausage muffin in my bag. i kept my muffin for later. we arrived at manila at midnight, and the price of the sim card was expensive, so we postponed it. our tour guide at manila was nice, but we were tired and kept on sleeping on bus to the hotel. when we arrived at the hotel, we were still sleepy, so we had no idea that we had arrived at the hotel! we thought it wasn't our hotel, since in front we saw karaoke and a lot of call-girls look alike walked around in front. but we found out that it was our hotel! our room scattered in that 34 floors building. me and stephanie got the room on 5th floor.

i brought my toiletries, so i just wanted to take a bath and sleep. but poor stephanie. i offered her mine, but she refused. the hotel just gave us a soap, like the one we used to wash our hand and a sachet of shampoo. the towel couldn't absorb the water, luckily i brought one. and the floor was sticky, like it was being cleansed by oil. and the building was like an apartment. the room next door was occupied by a family, and there was a dentist practice nearby our room. so i guess it was an apartment changed to a hotel, that's why we couldn't get a consecutive room.

#2 day one in manila
the breakfast was being delivered to the room. i thought it was special occasion only, since i was hoping to get american breakfast, but the next day i found out the hotel didn't have a dining room, that's why we got our breakfast delivered to our room. the breakfast was pretty weird. sunny egg with rice and fish, and then mangoes at side. in indonesia, we expected some vegetables on the side, but we found mango instead. if there were no banana, we wouldn't be that confused. since we were starving, (i already ate my muffin at the bus), i just ate it. the bad news for that day, our water heater seemed broken. i told the tour guide and he told us he would take care of it. which i doubted it. that day, our mission was to get everyone a sim card so we could be in touch with our loved ones. another failure: he didn't know which plan data to use for us, and he didn't get the right explanation for everyone. so i decided to dive in. i read the explanation and told everyone and they could decide which one to choose. i also helped him collect the money. and he failed to get the sim card for everyone, so some of us couldn't call or text our loved ones at home. that was stupidity number 2. when we paid him, we expected him to get us all the sim card plus how to use it. i couldn't get my data plan worked till midday. i had to call the provider myself. he had no idea how to get the setting for different phone model. he should find out when we were busy at the hospital! at that time, i was mad at him, and decided not to trust him at all. but i still had his head for fixing my water heater. i wanted my hot water!

after hospital tour, we went to glorietta and greenbelt shopping mall complex. i had some shop in mind. but first i had to find ACE hardware to buy a lock. then headed to kids shop. i planned to buy something for matthew on the first day. and i was lucky, i found something nice in gingersnaps. everyone else wasn't in shopping mood since it was all branded stores. ah, i also forget about the lunch. it was in the shopping mall also, and we had no idea what kind of food was that. dinner was written indonesian food, but turned out it wasn't indonesian food, but INDIAN food...stupidity number 3. how could he not check with the local tour guide about what kind of food we were going to eat. later we found out that he couldn't eat himself at the indian restaurant. stupid tour guide.

back at the hotel, it was raining, but we decided to go out and ate jollibee! my sister told me to eat the burger and not the chicken, so i did. we had a wonderful time at jollibee since it was our first time eating something proper in manila. back at the hotel, our tour guide and the local tour guide's wife were waiting for us at the lobby to make sure my water heater was on. and after a little bit chit chat, our water heater was on! yey!!

a little intermezzo: when we were back at the hotel, the door greeter asked us which floor were we, and when he found out that we were on the 5th floor, the door greeter jumped in the elevator and stopped with us, and even opened our door!! and when entered our room, we found this fruit banquet with a card saying apology (actually for stephanie) for feeling insecure in the hotel. hahaha.. i guess the hotel had to make sure we get our hot water or they would have to send another fruit banquet. haha..

#day two in manila
it was a city tour all day long. the local tour guide said it would be very hot. stupidity number 4: our tour guide said "ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow is local tour all day long, so we can be casual. wear jeans or even hot pants!" stupid, we were hospital management class and half our class was wearing jilbab. stupid comment. the tour was okay, but we couldn't stand the weather. at the end of our city tour, some of us already eager to buy souvenirs. but since we were told that there would be even cheaper at somewhere else, we just bought some and hoping we could get more with cheaper price. but the destination was changed at the last minute. we were supposed to go to greenhills, but the local tour guide changed it to 178 shopping mall in chinatown. and turned out, we couldn't find any. especially since we got lost from the other. the other could find one store that sold t-shirts and stuff, but not so many choice to pick from.

but then we headed to MoA, which had kultura, and we could shop souvenirs.. but the price was more expensive. well, we had no choice and shop all the souvenirs we had to buy there. my target was to buy all the suvenirs and then at last day bought something nice for myself and for david. so far, i was right on my personal schedule. ahh..about food, breakfast was still the same, but it was pineapple instead of mango. but lunch was another story. it was a buffet, and had japanese food!! i was excited.. instantly i reached for sushi and sashimi and stuff. other people was worried about picking the wrong dish, so they followed us, unfortunately, not all of them could eat raw food. so we had to told them the robatayaki station and other cooked food station. and the good news was there was ice cream... yummm.. a satisfying lunch. but there was stupidity number 5: our tour guide was late to tell us that the free drink was just water. and some of us already ordered mineral water. so they had to pay for it. blah. and we had dinner at members club. it was okay, but definitely better than yesterday.

#day three in manila
it was full with hospital tour again. breakfast was better! american breakfast at another hotel. probably since the tour guide was being complained by everyone, so he decided to move pak wid and all other guests. lunch was okay, but nothing beat the japanese buffet (for me, hehee..) after finishing the hospital tour, we headed back to MoA to do our final shopping. this time, i bought last minute souvenirs and then headed to several shops. and i bought something for myself! finally.. i could find a decent green jeans, but too bad, i couldn't find any floral skirts even in forever21 and a yellow skirt. *sigh* probably it was not meant to be. and we still had spare time so i found something for david. hahaa.. since my body measures was bad, i had to try it on my other friend, which was a size smaller than david. so if it fit him, then i had to pick a size bigger than his. the funny thing was, he also attracted to the polo shirt i picked for david, so they had the same shirts. ha!
and how could we forget the dinner? it was a cultural show, filled with singing and dancing. the interesting part was at the end of the show, they asked some people from audience to join them and tried the dance. fani was chosen, and as expected, she could show a good performance. rambo was also chosen (since we screamed his name out loud, ahhaaha..) we also screamed our tour guide's name, but he was runaway since he heard his name being called. coward!

#day four in manila
it was 4 am in the morning for wake up call. we had to rush to airport since we probably facing excess baggage. all the baggage in our hotel was being measured. though some had excess, but we predicted that it could be covered by other whose baggage was lighter. but at the airport we were facing nightmare. total excess in our group was 40 kg! that was ridiculous. i argued with the tour guide that we were not supposed to pay for that excess. we had measured our baggage, though probably it might be different from the airport's, but it shouldn't differ much. and our lecturer heard our argument and he decided to charge the outsider for the excess baggage. the tour guide was stupid, he already borrowed my scale, but he didn't measure the baggage from people from the other hotel. i believed pak wid had a lot of spare space, but those couple from batulicin and their good friend was suspicious enough for causing that excess. after all the drama, we waited at the airport. again, with no clarity about lunch and dinner. and the airport was dreadful. no decent food there, so i couldn't prepare anything. i just hoped i could eat whatever the airlines had to offer.
luckily, it was chicken rice for lunch and nasi lemak for dinner. i could tolerate both. and the almost final stupidity, again, he didn't told us where to go after took off from the plane, so some of us got lost. i heard from my classmates that he scolded those who were lost, saying that he already told one of us to wait at the gate. this was stupid. HE should be the one who TOLD EVERYONE where to wait, not just telling one of us, and hoping he or she would tell the other. it was his job after all.
long waiting at the malay airport. but it was okay... we could browsing, chatting, eating, drinking, and sight seeing. though it was small, but it had more to offer than manila's.
then our flight back home. last stupidity: he didn't collect the all the boarding pass, so he had to call out, those who had baggage tag attached to their boarding pass to come forward. and he didn't warn everyone not to come out from the airport until every baggage was tagged. it was quite a chaos, the wife from batulicin had already out from the airport with her 3 baggages. and some of us didn't get the tag. and finally, when all the drama had been sorted out, two of my classmates had their baggage lost. too bad. ..they had to report it and hoped that their bags were okay and could be back to surabaya. the rest of us went back home with one determination, our tour guide was a DUMB-ASS and we are strongly not recommended using his tour. i doubted that he would bring any group anywhere soon...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Book review : Reunion in Death

This the 14th book in In Death series. It started with a birthday party. It was supposed to be a happy moment for Walter Pettibone. His birthday was being celebrated by his second wife. Although he'd already knew about the surprise birthday party, he pretended not to know about it. and it was in the middle of the party. he was just finishing his speech and took a sip of his champagne, and then he was suffocating. a moment later, he was dead. walter was known as a and eve was assigned to this case. later she found out that the deadly champagne was being handed by a waiter, and apparently, eve knew this woman. eve put her behind prison 10 years ago. her name was julianne dunne. she was a man eater. but later eve found out that julie was being released for "good behaviour" reason. and julianne got out with a big plan in mind, getting revenge on eve.

julie was put in prison in the first place for killing his husband. her modus was married a rich man and then killed him. while eve was concentrating on putting julianne back to prison, she put her assisstant, peabody on a test. there was a cold case about the murder of a wife. eve suspected it was the new wife's job. but she let peabody to re-open the case. and interogating the husband and the new wife. eve thought peabody was ready for the next step, and she was ready to recommend peabody for detective position. so the only job peabody had to do was finishing that cold case as leverage.

the next victim was henry mouton. he was also a widower. with 3 ex-wives. and eve had to be hurried since julianne seemed to be in a tight schedule. she had a schedule before she went out from jail. and eve worried that roarke was included in her plan. but mira, the department psychologist, doubted that. mira told eve that roarke didn't have the same quality as the other male victims. all the male victim was rich, but didn't have respect for woman. they're all divorced their wives for newer, younger wives.  and eve had to go to dallas, where it started. going to dallas meant that she had to face her previous nightmare. but roarke was there for her.

at the end, eve was in the right place and the right time to catch julianne. this time, eve made sure that she wouldn't get out for "good behavior". and another good news was peabody was also able to solve the cold case. and eve put her name to be promoted.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Book review : Purity in Death

This is another book from "in death" series. This is the 15th book in this series.

the first victim was a drug dealer. he was no ordinary drug dealer since he chose to deal to elementary students. and it started with his headache. he was mad because of his headache, and then he started to go nuts. he beat his neighbor's boyfriend to death and almost hit his neighbor too. but unfortunately, another police office was nearby, and the police officer decided to step in and threw some shots and ended his life. the weird thing happened when eve started to investigate. one of the strangest thing was the text written in his computer was "absolute purity achieved". and it wasn't all. the cause of death was heart attack, which was strange.

the second victim was a police office from DDE. he was investigating the first victim's computer when he went nuts. he started to act crazy. and he almost killed eve and another partner from DDE, McNab. eve was okay, but McNab got hit and almost became paralyzed for the rest of his life. eve wanted to save him, but unfortunately, what killed the first victim also killed him. his brain was swollen and then bum! it exploded. a police officer died.

and it wasn't all. another victim was died. he was another culprit in the community. he was a pedophile. and he slit his own throat. to death. and the bread started to crumble. eve found out that his previous victim was a boy. and the boy decided to kill himself. and it was devastating to his family, especially his father. and also the boy's social officer. and eve was suspicious that something has to do with the father's boy.

but it wasn't all. the killer sent message to public via nadine frost, eve's friend whom was also a news reporter. the killer claimed that they were just "cleaning" the community, by killing bad people. they justified themselves for killing them. saying the community were cleaner without them. and then another victim was killed again. this time was a woman. with bad record too. and there was a note also in her laptop,"absolute purity achieved". eve had to be quick or another one would be dead too. but she seemed facing dead end.

while eve was investigating the cases, roarke and his little team were working to find anything on the first victim's laptop. and slowly, the case was open. eve met with the detective that worked the rape case conflicting the third victim. and his wife was the social officer. and eve had her suspicious about that couple, but she couldn't find any more proof to find the truth. another pressure on eve came from the higher authorities, who was the major and the vice major of nyc.

in short, eve later found out that there was a connection between the suspect, the family from the rape victim's case and also higher authorities which demanded her to make move smartly or she would lose the case. at last, eve could catch all the members from so called "purity group" and held them responsible for several murder cases. moral behind this book: even though you were the victim from justice system, it didn't mean that you could play judge yourself, no matter how high your position in society.