Monday, December 10, 2012

things about breastfeeding

hell yeah, every breast feeding mum has their own battle, and so do i. let me start from day one. when my son was born, i had no idea that breastmilk didn't come out itself.. i thought that once the baby was born, my breastmilk will come out automatically, but turned out, i was wrong. for the first day, nothing came out. but the nurse kept telling me to keep trying. if my son's mouth kept sucking at my breast, my breastmilk will come out eventually. so i kept trying and believing and hoping that my breastmilk will come out soon. but not until the second day. but it wasn't quick enough. matthew is icteric by the second day so the paediatrist decided to put him under uv light. and the antibiotik had to be until 5th day, so i had to go home first.

i haven't bought any breastpump yet and had no idea which one to buy. so when i got home, i had no idea that i had to keep pumping in order to avoid engorgement and stuff. so since me and my boy had no idea what effiecient breastfeeding was, we struggled. and when we got home, many people had their own opinion that mess with my head. i had less rest, let alone any help. it was only me and my husband at night. and crying baby was not helping at all

trying not to stress? it was sooo hard. sometime, i just frustrated and cried without reason. you could say it was the imbalance hormone, but i knew that stress also played part. plus matthew was having colic. listening to his periodically crying at almost the same time was frustrating and heart-breaking. i was struggling between breastfeeding, and bottle-feeding. and pumping. i read that second week i had to start pumping and saved breastmilk in order to be save when i had to work again.

once the colic was away, it was easier. i was less stress. and my breastmilk was increasing. as my confident rose, the production was increased too. so yeah, husband should kept their wife happy. but i was frustrated since i had no help at home. once my maid went home and my husband didn't come home yet, i had no one in the house. i was alone. and it was frustrating for outgoing person like me. when i told my husband that, he stated a thing that also opened my mind. "i also wanted to be at home as soon as i could, but i had to work. if i didn't go to work, how could we keep on living like now?"
so yeah, i had to deal with my frustration. i had to let go some idealism.

so, back to breastfeeding, pumping regularly was important to keep the breastmilk keep on being produced. keep happy was also another obligation. and never believe that you can't breastfed your baby. so confidence, happiness and stubborness. that're the keys.

now that i was back to school and intern obligation, i had to be nice and asked nicely where i could pump. and where to storage it for a while before going home. also sneaking during short break to pump. even my classmate noticed it. and then a lecturer also noticed it. i hope i could breastfed my son until a year. though it was not exclusively (still had only a few storage milk, so i had to give bottle one or two per day), but i still tried to give my best. and you should too.. whatever struggle you had, don't give up.

Friday, November 30, 2012

MARS life

banyak yg nanyain kenapa kok milih MARS? jawaban jujurnya sih gampang, karena disuruh suami. berhubung stl merit langsung hamil, otomatis kasihan anake kalo aku daftar PPDS dan ternyata ketrim (pede bangettt...). alhasil drpd cm ngurus anak dan kerja lagi, dan ga ada variasi lain, muncullah usul buat ambil MARS aja. drpd cuma sekedar dokter umum, at least bisa ngejar karir di tingkat struktural kalo seandainya ga ketrima PPDS. so.. mulailah kerepotan sekolah dimulai.

urusan magang: so far, di UGD oke2 aja, karena suasana kerjanya asik, datanya pun lengkap. petugas yang mo ditanyain selalu ada dan selalu siap bantu. kalo ada yang ga dimengerti pun bisa njelasin, kalaupun ga bisa jelasin, ada datanya untuk dipelajari di UGD. untuk rawat jalan, karena cuma menjalani 2 hari tiap poliklinik, alhasil ga selalu bisa menjalin hubungan baik ama perawat ato pp ato POS yang di situ. belon lagi kadang polinya rame, kadang sepi. yang susah adalah data tiap klinik beda-beda, dan ga semuanya tercatat dengan benar. ada yang kurang, ada yang kelebihan. dan ga semua petugas yang ada di klinik itu ngerti kenapa kok ga lengkap. dan kepala unitnya pun juga kadang ga paham. apalg datanya ada yang ketinggalan bahkan hilang di gedung lama pas mereka pindah tempat dari bangunan lama ke bangunan baru. *sigh* alhasil pas bikin laporannya pun jadi lama dan susah.

untuk kuliahnya, masih up and down.
AKK : mata kuliah paling serem krn dosennya disiplin banget. belum lagi tugasnya. it's not the difficulty of the task, but the people that i have to worked with. i understand that they have their own business, but they should help too. one of them was nice, she helped to compose the task and even replied my message and email. but the other one, he seemed that he was in control but turned out that he was just talking. no result. and the most dangerous part was he was talking as if he had consulted the lecturer, but at the last minute, he admitted that he hadn't consulted the lecturer yet. and it was due the next day! bah.. talking about NATO.. grrr.. luckily the class was cancelled. fiuh.. dan pelajarannya, krn inti pelajarannya didapat pas tugas, alhasil masih bny yg blm aku ngerti krn sibuk ngerjain tugasku sendiri. hmph.. kudu ngejar nih..

SDM: topiknya yang baru dan membingungkan, belum lagi dosennya menjelaskan seakan-akan kita semua sudah paham. kalo yg nerangin di dpn paham ama topiknya, dan njelasinnya enak, aku ngerti bahannya. tapi kalo ndak, aku jg ga paham. susahnya, sama kyk AKK, bahan pelajarannya ya dari tugas itu. jdnya kudu ngejar belajar juga. repotnya lagi, tugasku sendiri jg salah jd kudu dibenerin akibat partnerku salah persepsi ttg tugasnya. pdhl dia yg bikin pendahuluan awalnya.

keperawatan : kyknya seluruh kelas ga ada yang paham ama pelajaran dan tugasnya. orgnya kalo njelasin mbosenin, dikit2 selalu nyuruh kita liat di bukunya. beh. belum lagi abis gini udah wayahe UAS.. ga tau deh ntar gimana jadinya

pemasaran : biarpun kadang dosennya rada bingungin kalo nanya, tp pelajarannya simple dan bs dimengerti sendiri. tugasnya pun ga susah, jd yg ngerjain pun gampang dan pas jelasin pun jelas. alhasil ini pelajaran paling oke lah.

filsafat : topiknya aja filsafat yg ga jelas, apalg dosennya sama kyk dosen pemasaran yg kadang ngomongnya aku ga paham, jadinya pelajaran ini masih ga jelas blas maune piye. tp masih bs diplji sendiri

intinya.. let's hope i could pass this semester.. *doa kenceng2*

Saturday, October 20, 2012

life post maternal leave

now i'm pretty busy. monday to friday morning, i went to adi husada for my "magang", and then on thursday to saturday, i went to college. it was a different world. at first, i was itchy to help at the ER. but i was there to study the hospital administration, not the medical service. it was hard just sitting there and do nothing. but sometimes i gave up and helped with the paper work. i didn't interact with the patient directly, but i had something to do beside waiting. the college was something else. at first, i didn't know a thing about the lecture. i had no idea. it was another world for me. all those foreign terms and the bureaucracy made me dizzy. but i got the hang of it.

my favorite course is logistics. the lecturer was very clear in teaching us, it made it interesting and easy to understand. my least favorite course was nursing management and human resource. the first one, the lecture was sooo boring. i didn't understand a bit. the second one, the first lecture was confusing, the second week was okay, but the third week turned out confusing again, and the last one was very good. so, it was a love-hate situation for me. but a little by little, i started to enjoy the confusion. hahaha..

and for the "magang", if the unit manager was okay, it was fun to spend the time. but if the manager wasn't okay, it was excruciating spending the time there. and all the reports were miserable. but i still hope for the best. until now, it was okay at the new hospital. people were nice and helpful. i hoped it will stay the same.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

so long, mitra

many people asked me why i haven't quit my job at RSMKS yet. as far as everybody's knowledge, working at mitra mean a hell lot of job but small wages. well.. let's review it from my point of view.

after finishing my medical school, the only thing in my mind was finding a job as quick as i could. since i'm firstborn but almost last to graduate (due to longer studies - 6 years to finish med school), i had to catch up my sisters pretty quick. i was already giving piano lesson at that time, but it was just a side job. so when my friend told me that there was opening at RSMKW, i applied there with couple of my friends. we were called to be tested and interviewed. everybody got home after finishing their test, but i had to wait to be interviewed on the same day. the director noticed that my house was on west surabaya, so she asked whether or not i'm willing to be transferred to RSMKS since they were also in short of person. since my first intention was to get a job soon, i agreed to it. so she arranged for me to be interviewed again by the other director.

at that time, i questioned my decision. some of my friend has been accepted at RSMKW and already working, while i'm still waiting to be called again. i was in doubt, is it true that they still need someone? or have they gotten the person they need. but finally i got the call. i met with the director and the head of ER, and i got accepted! hahaa.. though at that time i was really a fresh graduate, no experience at all, and haven't been trained anything yet (ACLS, ATLS, etc). fiuh.. that time, i was relieve. God heard my prayer.

day by day, i started to enjoy it. though it was hard work (really2.. i don't understand that those so called high-end patients were very demanding and sometimes stupid.. ) but i like all the people there. they were warm and nice. i loved my colleagues.. all the nurse.. in short, i could blend with them easily. since i was considered to be quick learner, they gave me more schedule in ER as second doctor more than my friend (at that time, there were two of us who got accepted at the same time). and i got flying solo almost the same as my friend who were there a month earlier.

i remembered, i was pretty scared when i was flying solo. i prayed to God that everyone will be just fine and healthy. no stroke attack, no heart attack, no accident. hahaha.. indeed, my first flying solo was fine. it was quiet. and it also happened to my second, third, and so on. but as time passed, i faced some emergencies, i made some mistakes, and i almost got sued! but i passed it all. i even cried when i found out that i couldn't save the old man on my night duty, though i worked my ass of to save his life. well, i was exhausted at that time and got attached easily to him (which i shouldn't do). i got my ups and downs here in mitra.

but back to my very first reason. i applied for the job for one main reason: to learn. being a doctor is a never ending job. you never know what you'll be facing, you couldn't predict what will come through the ER door everyday. though it might be same cases, there would be hundreds outcome. it depends on your decision. you have to be quick and intuitive. and sometimes, just be stubborn. since my first reason is to learn, money came last.

i admit, i was disappointed when i found out about my first month salary. but then, when i got more responsibilities, though it mean more hard works, it also mean more money. i remembered i got almost twice my usual salary when i really worked my ass off. no day off. but i could pass all that. and the benefit? more people got to know me. more people got to trust me. and i also gained more confidence.

so, for those who kept asking why i still at mitra, i guessed i have answered your question. if money was my orientation, i would've quit my job from the very first time i got my first salary. so now, i quit because i wanted to learn more. and i couldn't get it at mitra, so i guess i have to say goodbye for now. i really thank everyone there, who had taught me and taken care of me, and apologized if i had cause them troubles. wish you all good luck. and wish me good luck too..

and perhaps, if God permit, i would be back..

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

NZ # 6-7

after breakfast, we were back on the road again. this time to franz josef. we already booked a helicopter tour for fox and franz josef glacier, and it was another long road to go.. *sigh* this time, the view was combination between mountain and shore. we could see the sea from mid trip before turned again to the mountain. fox was closer, but the trip that we booked started from franz josef, and it was lunch time already. so we were mixed between getting there first or having lunch first. we decided to get there first and confirmed everything before heading to our villa and having lunch.when we arrived at the office, the person on duty said that they didn't have us on their schedule, but he could slip us into 3.30pm flight, so we agreed it and decided to go to our villa and have lunch.

our villa was nice. though we were early (the check in time was 3 pm, and we were there at 1pm - i guess), there was this old man that offered us to find the manager, and our room was already available at that time. perfect. the manager recommended a few place to eat and what to do while in franz josef. i was amazed by NZ government. back in st. moritz, the receptionist handed us the city map and pointed "must visit" places. here in franz josef, the manager also handed us the map of franz josef. behind it, it was the map of fox. and i saw the map not only in our villa, but also every public place in franz josef. so i guess it must be the government.

we had lunch at speight's landing bar. i ordered pasta carbonara and my hubby ordered steak. but he didn't like the sauce. the steak was better than flame's though. and then we went on the helicopter ride. first, we couldn't see very clear since we were on the back seat. but then we landed on snow. we took pictures, played snow for a while, and then came the snowfall!! yeyyy.. finally.. then we had to ride up again to fox glacier and back to franz josef. this time, the pilot told us to ride in front. YIPEE!! but my hubby was frightened. hahaha..

for dinner, we went to alice mays. the food was warm and delicious. very comforting on rainy day. yep, it was raining again, so we went back after having dinner. the next morning, we took a small walk, a climbing one to the viewpoint of the glacier. took some pictures and then went to greymouth to catch the train to christchurch.

at greymouth, we were confused by where the rental car office was, but we found it right on time. when the train arrived, we were just checked in. fiuh. i was disappointed though. i thought the train would be all luxury and new. turned out it almost looked like the one in surabaya. hahaha.. but it was cleaner. and we were already exhausted, so i didn't take any pictures on that train. plus it was raining again, a bit. it was late when we arrived at christchurch. we had to call for taxi to go to airport hotel. and when we arrived at the hotel, we were hungry and cold. and tired. and it was the end of our holiday. the next morning, we had to wake up very very early to go to the airport. thank God it was 15 minutes away. and we went back to singapore.. here comes the end of our holiday.. (well.. almost)

NZ #4-5

it was still dawn when we had to wake up and have breakfast before we got picked up. we rushed during breakfast, but still.. indonesian people were always late, hahaa.. we were the last one to go inside the cab that picked us up to go to the real journey's office. we were waiting there for the bus driver came and picked us up again to go to another stop. since we were going to doubtful sound, we had to stop by in the middle of the road to be picked up again by another bus driver. the bus that departed from queenstown was going to milford sound. since it was dark, we slept again.. though actually the view was nice. but too bad, it was too dark to be enjoyed. another bad news was the other bus driver was late, so i was a little worried about this trip, since it would be another 4 hours on boat.

but he was just late a little bit. fiuh.. then we arrived at lake manapouri to start our journey. the lake was so big that i thought it was doubtful sound already. what important from that lake was due to its size, the new zealand government decided to use the water power to provide electricity. so they built generator, hidden behind the mountain to produce electricity.

after went across lake manopouri, we waited for another bus to take us to doubtful sound. the bus driver told us that the area had the most rainy days in the world. it rained when we first started the tour, but once we've come closer to doubtful sound, the rain has stopped. amazing! everywhere we go, everybody told us that the weather was nice this season, a mild winter. it's like God answered my prayer to give us a good weather. i've already suffered for leaving matthew behind, so i wanted the good weather to enjoy this vacation. and He did listen to my prayer..

okay, back to the tour. the bus driver stopped by for a moment at the viewpoint, so we could see doubtful sound in front of us, down below. and it was amazing, a little bit mystical due to the mist, but it was amazing.. it was named doubtful sound by captain cook since he was doubtful that he could exit again if he entered the doubtful sound. then, the bus stopped at the bay, and we went on by boat again. everywhere we saw was amazing. every head turn made us go "awww..." it was amazing indeed. since the weather was nice, the captain drove closer to tasman sea, where there was a small, remote island, inhabited by seals. they were cute... along the way, there were penguins, the blue penguin, but since they were small, i couldn't capture them well. all the view and the seals were okay, but the feeling of being on a boat moved against the sea wave was not okay. i felt sick. yuck. but thankfully, not until seasick.

then we turned around. and the captain drove us to some turn and then stop the motor boat and suggested us to stop taking picture and enjoy the moment. enjoy the sound of nature, which was very rare to be enjoyed since people so addicted to technology (yeah.. couldn't live without internet..) and then, everyone was exhausted so no one taking pictures anymore on our way back home. oh yeah, we stopped by the underground post, where the generator was built, inside the mountain, and heard a little explanation about it, the history and stuff. and on our bus back to queenstown, i accidentally looked up to the sky and there were stars! bright and shining stars! the one that we should see back in mount cook. i was amazed. the stars were so bright that i thought i wasn't real.

and we ended the day, almost starving.. since my hubby wanted to eat chinese, but unfortunately the place was fully booked by indonesian tour, and we had no idea where else to go. but then as we walked around, i saw a japanese restaurant, mentioned by our bus driver earlier. he recommended a lot of places to go if we wanted to do culinary tour, and it did help!

the next day was our last day in queenstown, we wanted to enjoy it as much as we could but not too much till exhausted, so we decided to change plan. first we wanted to do ski, but we changed to culinary tour. hahaha.. we asked the receptionist to booked us on gondola ride and buffet lunch at skyline restaurant then dinner in Flame, a grill and steak restaurant recommended by the other receptionist.

so after breakfast, we walked around the mall to buy souvenirs and eat ice cream (finally!). then we went to ride gondola. the view from the viewing deck was nice. then we enjoyed the lunch buffet. the salad was nice. i even went for second round. hahaha.. by the time to enjoy desert, i was too full so i just sampled everything. i wanted to try "western" desert, so no way i passed creme brule, chocolate mousse and stuff. i actually wanted the ice cream for takeaway, but my hubby doubt it. so, i had to pass it. hiks.

then we enjoyed a relaxing hot pool at onsen, before heading back to hotel. actually i wanted to play ice skating before dinner, but my hubby didn't want to do any sport, so we just walked around the mall again, and headed early at the restaurant. the food at flame was another okay. we ordered the frill platter for two, and turned out the only delicious one was the rib. oh, and the chicken wing, since they were both seasoned by the same sauce. the lamb and the steak was dry. yuck.  and our last day at queenstown came to an end.

Friday, August 24, 2012

NZ #2-3

the trip to mount cook was AWESOME.. the scenery along the way was breathtaking. the mountain with its top covered in snow, the clear blue sky (yep, it's like what the people in the lodge has said, if it's raining in christchurch, it will be good weather  in mount cook). we should've rushed since we were planning to stop by the salmon farm first, but the scenery seduced us to stop multiple times to take pictures and to enjoy the view. we stopped by at lake tekapo which was marvelous. the mist had gone, so we had the clear view of the lake. then we went on to the salmon farm. too bad at that time, they were having maintenance, so they didn't have the tour around the farm. we only stopped there to buy some salmon and to eat lunch.

then we went on, driving along the lake tekapo and then along the lake pukaki, heading toward mount cook. the view was also marvelous. when we arrived at our hotel in mount cook, it was a perfect place to stay. the hotel was surrounded by the mountain, and from our room, we could see mount cook. in our hotel there was a museum and planetarium, dedicated to sir edmund hillary, the mount everest's climber. actually, we planned to go on a glacier tour and stargazing, but unfortunately, both of them are not available at the moment. so we just spent the afternoon watching 3D movie and walking around the hotel and taking pictures. the next morning, after breakfast, we went on tasman valley tour. we went to the top of tasman valley to see the glacier. our tour guide was funny. he told us that population in mount cook during low season was only 100. but in peak season, it was 200 people. the kindergarten there, 1 teacher and 5 kiddies.. wakkaka.. what a small village. he even joked that everybody knows everybody there. and then he made it clear by waving to some villagers passing us by.

halfway toward the top was spent riding the argo, which was like a 4WD, but this one had 8 wheels. our guide drove like a mad cowboy.. with all the yeeha and stuff.. hahaha.. he was funny indeed. then, we had to climb to the top. fiuh.. it was hard work alright, since i haven't had an exercise again since i was 7th month pregnant, and now my boy is almost 3 months.. wew.. but we managed to get on top. the view? breathtaking.. he told us that the glacier shrunk quickly. 6 years ago, it was in the middle of the lake. now, it was only 1/4 of it. talking about global warming. i hope we could visit it again with the whole family before it melt completely.

after that, we were back on the road again. this time to queenstown. the scenery was not as great as before, since there were no green grass and stuff. but, we did have a wonderful lunch. we stopped by at this small town called twizel, and trusted tripadvisor for guiding us to this cafe called poppies. and they do served delicious food for a small town. the salad was deliciousss.. even me who never eat salad, ate them all.. hahhaa..

our first night at queenstown? we spent it an hour waiting to get the famous fergburger. we didn't know which one to order since many people had their own different taste. so we ordered the big al and rib eye. the big al was okay, but it was toooo big so both of us couldn't finish it. the rib eye was yuck, not gonna buy it again. and then we went to rest since tomorrow will be a long trip to doubtful sound.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

NZ #1

it was a long flight from singapore to auckland. and then waited for 3 hours before heading to christchurch. i was exhausted since i couldn't sleep well on plane. and it was freezing cold when we arrived in auckland. pretty drastic weather changing since singapore which was humid and hot. and i almost fell asleep while i was pumping in the nursery room in the airport. and the auckland airport, although it was an international airport, it was quite small compared to beijing's. well.. compared to asian airport like beijing and thailand (bangkok). the domestic airport was even smaller. just like juanda. hahaha..

after a long and tiring flight, we were welcomed by the heavy rain in christchurch. hiks.. i was disappointed at first. please... not the bad weather.. it was winter already (which i hate), plus now it was raining. the first agenda was getting our rental car and then finding our hotel. the people here in new zealand had funny way to say some words, which confused us at first. but we understood them at the end. the people were quite nice, compared to those in europe (same caucasian..). and it was amusing, finding out that only 2 people running our first lodge. they both were nice. and very informative. they asked us what our plans and told us where to get dinner or breakfast. there were also list on the board about important things like supermarket, malls and of course, restaurants, cafe and bars.

we had our first dinner in st. germaine. an example of french cuisine. the place was dark and quiet. the food was okay. but it was oh-kay, not great. but we were glad we had warm food for rainy night. and we headed back to our lodge to get some sleep. oh.. we also shopped some groceries since we could cook at our lodge. we didn't buy our breakfast, and cooked it instead to save some money. that morning we had to take off to mount cook.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"dadakan" trip

My husband suggested that we should have a getaway holiday, away from our baby for a moment before i headed back to school. I know it's a little bit stressing for both of us, dealing with our new role as parents, so i agreed it. But i didn't expect that we will be going all the way to new zealand! Especially it's winter now .. Another winter trip for me .. Aiyaaa.. And it means we couldn't bring matthew along.. Hiks2.. But it's okay, we will bring him as soon as he's able to understand where we're going and what we do.. I will give u details if our trip day by day since it's impossible to type them all once.. So stay tune

Saturday, June 16, 2012

hello world!

i'm now officially a mother. yep.. on june 2nd, my son was born, healthy and first he looked like his dad, but fortunately, his nose looked like i hoped for.. hahhaa..

okay.. let us walk down the road : me becoming a mom...
couple weeks before, i was freaked out, since my schedule was pretty hectic.. not much different than the month before, though it was not as hectic as before.. but still, sometime i had to helped in the ER, which was bump was bigger, and i couldn't move as freely as before (read: there were screamings and shoutings when i walked slightly faster, "dokkk.. jalannya pelanan dikit... itu perutnya udah gedeee..")
and sometimes i felt contraction if i'm tired.

i planned on having normal vaginal delivery, so the most concerning thing in my mind was getting through it without getting episiotomy, which is almost impossible, since this was my first pregnancy. i knew that the first one was not easy. some women could go through more than 12 hours before giving birth. my mom was overdue when she was having me. she had to get the induction drip, and then still waited for a long time before i was born. and many people warning me about the pain from the contraction. since i had some braxton hicks before, i could predict how bad it would be. and since i couldn't bear pain, i started to browse about how to ease the pain.

i already did pilates and yoga for pregnancy, but not regularly, so i started to make plan to do it regularly. but it was just a plan. i even practice "senam kehamilan", but only once or twice.. rencana tinggallah rencana.. pulang kerja kebanyakan capeknya.. pengen lgsg tidur. bsk paginya bangun pengennya tidur lamaan dikit.. mumpung masuknya siang.. selalu ada alasan utk tdk exercise. which i regretted at the end.. so pregnant women, do your exercise regularly.. it does help.. (talking about flexibility and stamina). i also ended up reading about hypnobirthing, and since a senior classmate of mine reviewed it on "the urban mama", i ended up reading it and decided to learn. but i was already late. i only had the chance to practice it probably for a week.. hahaha.. but i set my mind that my labor would be smooth, quick, pain free and no episiotomy (apparently, it was quick, not so smooth and just a little pain when i got stitches, but still got episiotomy.. )

so on may 30th, i was still working at the ER. though i was there as back up (supposedly), unfortunately, my partner wasn't that quick.. so the patients started to pile up in the ER. i didn't want to work as hard as before since i felt some contraction already. i refused to do all the work like i used to do. i opt for rest as much as i could get. on may 31st, my OG said we could wait for another week, since my contraction was weak, though the baby was already laying low. on june 1st, my first day free of work, i felt some contraction, but it faded when i took some rest. dan makin malam tambah jarang, so i guess, belum waktunya.

but on june 2nd, jam 1 dini hari, kontraksinya makin sakit. i even woke my husband up. fortunately, he already downloaded an app to record contraction, so when i woke him up to count my contraction, he just used the app. then after 10 minutes or so, he told me that my contraction was just 3 minutes apart. then i agreed to rush to the hospital (he already suggested it the day before, when i started to feel the contraction). at the hospital, the midwives do the internal exam (damn, it was hurt.. harusnya aku dulu lbh simpati pada ibu2 yg hamil, yg kesakitan waktu kita mencoba VT.. *maapkan aku*) dan aku udah pembukaan 4. after reading my admission form (which was stated that my job is a doctor), she then said "pantes aja udah buka 4 baru ke sini.. udah pinter, lha wong dokter.. "

i told my husband not to call my mom or his mom just yet. first labor usually go loooonnggg looonngg way.. so i didn't want to worry them just yet. it was in the middle of the night, and i could take care of myself, so i told my husband to call them if it was really2 the time. i was admitted at 1 am. at 4.30 am, i felt the urge to push, so i called the midwives. she said it was only 7, but the head was really low. she told me to hold the urge to push, since it could cause bundle and would postpone the dilation. at that time, it was painful.. it was not easy to hold the urge. thankfully my husband helped me and coached me to control my breathing to distract my urgency to push. the midwives called my OG and my OG said he was on his way to the hospital. at 5 am, my OG arrived and he told me to push when i felt the urge. fortunately, my husband already called both parents at 4.30, just informing them that i'm in labor, but still pembukaan 7, so no need to be hurry (they both thought they still had time, so both took shower and finished their chores before headed to the hospital, but turned out both were late.. my son was already born when they arrived)

so at 5 am, i started to push, but my energy had drained due to holding the urge not to push. my hand was shaking and i couldn't spread my leg wide enough. and i couldn't push hard enough that the midwives had to help me. though my OG waited, but my son's head was big and my perineum was not as elastic as i hoped for, so he had to do the episiotomy. and it was not easy to push the head. even my son's head kinda stuck down there before he could be born. my husband gave me support, telling me that a little bit more.. he could see his hair..push a little bit harder.. and there.. after 3 contraction and long push, my son was born.

terhitung kilat khusus.. lahiran pertama, cuma butuh waktu 5 jam buat lahiran.. hahaha.. rekor ga sih? abis gitu ternyata anakku gede.. 3,5 kilo booo.. panjangnya 53. kalo panjangnya udah ditebak ama dokternya. tapi beratnya itu yg melenceng.. oh, dan siapa bilang pas dijahit ga kerasa krn seneng gendong anak? kerasa boo.. masio doktere udah bilang konsen aja ama anaknya, tetep aja kerasa itu jarum keluar masuk.. ternyata dihecting ga enak.. (maapkan aku ya para pasienku yg kadang takhecting dg separo meksa ga nambah anestesi krn tinggal sebiji dua hectingnyaaa...)

dan begitulah ceritanya.. on june 2nd, 5.25 am, my son was born. and we named it matthew alexander goenawan. (guyonan kalo udah ketemu nama anaknya lahir nyaris bener.. we just agreed on that name a couple days before..seriously..)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

life's changing

probably i never mention that i'm pregnant already. so i guess i owe 7 months stories.

at first, finding out that i'm pregnant freaked us out. we haven't agreed on contraception method yet when we found out that i was pregnant. so honestly, it took us by surprise since we planned to postpone it. denial was in order, but it was no false alarm, i do pregnant, so i guess acceptance was next. yeah, we do stress at first although people around us were happy when they found out that i was pregnant. they were excited. and probably since they gave us positive response, acceptance was easy. but we're not the "so excited" type, so i guess after the announcement, we pretty much lived like usual. no special precaution's taken due to my pregnancy. i still worked like usual, and i didn't experience any cravings nor excessive vomiting. i did feel nauseous sometimes, but it was nothing i couldn't handle. i vomited couple times, but that was it.  i passed my first trimester pretty well. in fact, i'm not like any other pregnant women. i didn't show any bump, no nausea and vomiting, just a little fatigue. i even could still swim regularly. and went to thailand for new year. hahaa.. talking about anomalies..

second trimester, i did show some bump, but many people said that mine is considered little compared to others. i didn't gain much weight too.. i only gained one kilo per month.. ice cream? i had eaten it regularly, especially near my visit to my OG. but it didn't help much. but he said my baby was fine, his weight was suitable according his age. so i guess, i shouldn't worry much. and yep, i still worked as usual. since i had a pretty "small" bump, i could work just like normal person. but as my bump grew bigger, i couldn't bent as easily as before. oh, and gender war guess.. somehow i surprised at people's belief to predict baby's gender. some said that i was uglier than before, therefore, i will have a boy. some said if i still had my waist, i will have a boy. other predict a boy since my bump is growing in front more than to my side. and some said it will be a boy since i became more aware of my appearance than before (read: i put on some make up). so far, there were only 3 people that predicted i have a girl. but since technology are quite advanced nowadays, FYI, my baby is a boy according to the doctors. even my husband could guess it was his penis on the screen when the doctor did the sonogram. hahaha...

and now i'm in my last trimester. hoping everything will be just fine. since last visit, the doc said everything was fine, but his weight now become a problem. although the curve still in the safe mark, if he kept growing a little by a little, doc predicted that his weight might be lower than normal. he told me to eat more ice cream.. like i haven't done that.. hahaha.. well, i hope his weight will increasing in couple months.. *finger crossed* oh, and talking about life changing, i'm not only talking about having baby, but also about going back to school. yep, yesterday it was announced that i was accepted in MARS program. so after giving birth and 3 months off, i will be back to school. i'm thrilled and worried at the same time. especially about dividing time between studies and my baby. but i do hope everything will be just fine.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


oke, sapa sih yg ga suka barang gratisan? tp kalo minta gratis melulu ini kenemenen. i'm talking abt patients. our patients back in the hospital. i guess the insurance company has grown a lot since there are more patiens with health insurance coming to our hospital. of course it seems like a good thing, people have steady income so they can save more and invest in that kind of insurance. but it's also had bad side effect. one of the administration officer told me, that probably they have to pay for the patient's health cost since he was out of limit and they couldn't get hold of him. how shame!! kalo orangnya baca, NGACA DEH LU.. gayanya aja sok kaya, tp kalo udah ditagih begini sok sibuk, ga kasihan apa ama orang counter? berapa lo gaji mereka? apa salah mereka? sampe harus nomboki biaya orang lain yg jelas sebetulnya mampu utk bayar sendiri tp krn merasa udah bayar premi, pasti semuanya bisa gratis, tanpa menyadari kalo limit mereka itu bisa habis.

type 1 : ga nyadar kalo limit habis
mrk dateng dg sok sakit berat, minta segera dilayani. berhubung kita ini melayani jasa, pasien dipersilakan masuk utk diperiksa. some insurance came with cards, yg harus digesek. masalahnya adalah, hari itu mesinnya trouble, kartunya ga bisa digesek jd petugas administrasi tdk tahu apakah limit orang tersebut cukup. sooo... after he's being examined and given prescription by the doctor, the administrator told him that his card was in trouble and cannot be used. he refused to pay first, dg alasan TOH DIA SUDAH PNY ASURANSI ITU, hubungi aja petugas asuransinya. and then he left. ternyata setelah mesinnya beres, ketahuan kalau limit orang itu habis. petugas asuransi yg dihubungi jelas tdk membantu, hny menyarankan utk menagih yg bersangkutan langsung. sdgkan yg bersangkutan, dihubungi pihak rumah sakit selalu menyatakan tidak ada di tempat, sedang keluar kota, bny alasan dan tdk mau datang ke rmh sakit. should we send you debt collector? biar Tuhan sendiri yg membalas.

type 2 : sakit ngerombong
ini tipikal paling sering. dan biasanya terjadi di awal atau akhir tahun di mana limit baru masih banyak atau masih bny sisa limit sehingga rasanya "eman2" kalo ga dipake. sound ironic, huh? yg ga sakit mengaku sakit spy ga rugi.. biasanya mereka hny sakit ringan lalu minta opname agar ditanggung asuransi, atau mengeluh sakit sekujur badan, bahkan kalau perlu satu keluarga sambatannya disampaikan semua spy obatnya banyak. bahkan ada yg terang2 bilang minta obat buat persediaan. (-.-") yg tipikal begini ini yg repot. tipikal orang ga mau rugi. yg paling baru itu kemaren, minta obat simptomatis dlm jumlah ga wajar. setelah aku tolak dan aku sinisi, eh.. malah bilang kalo dirinya sesama dokter. ehhh.. apa ndak malu? ngapain ga pake resep sendiri aja? jawabnya: krn ga gratis. ga tau apa kalo kita ini jg pny peraturan? kalo aku yg kena peringatan dr rumah sakit, emang situ mau ikut tanggung jawab? bodo amat sesama TS.. kalo ga tau aturan kyk gitu yaaaa males banget dehh...

type 3 : pokoke kudu gratis
ini cm terjadi utk beberapa asuransi yg aturannya ruwet, salah satunya Inh***th. mereka pny peraturan bahwa px yg bisa dilayani tanpa membawa pengantar adalah pasien yg emergency, dan kriteria emergency itu ditentukan oleh dokter yg memeriksa. this just happened yesterday. a woman came with her son. she complained shortness of breath. we gave her oxygen, and after i examined her, no rales nor wheezing, hence, probably she was just suffering mucus plug due to her upper respiratory infection. turned out the day before, she only got cough suppresant without expectorant or mucolytic. probably that caused she couldn't cough her sputum. her son already been given instruction for nebulizer, but they left it at home. so, it was clear that it wasn't a emergency case. the father has been told that both case are not emergency cases. he cancelled her son's bills and then left. jelas dia ga mau bayar. sedangkan sang ibu, sudah terlanjur mendapat nebulasi di UGD. at the end, she complained at us since she had to pay. dg entengnya dia protes "kenapa kok ga transparan aja di depan kalau ini bukan emergency? kan saya jadi hrs bayar.. kalau saya hrs bawa pengantar, saya bisa besok kembali dg pengantar" oke.. we are doctors and medical staff, we have no clue about administration. kalau ada pasien, ya kita layani. urusan mereka hrs bayar atau nggak itu kan urusan administrasi. apa etis kalau ada pasien yg mengeluh sesak, lalu setelah diperiksa kita tawari "bu, ini bukan emergensi, ibu mau tetep berobat atau pulang aja? nanti hrs bayar sendiri lo.." please deh.. kalo ga dilayani complain katanya we don't care. dilayani jg complain, krn mereka jd harus bayar sendiri. and FYI, si ibu setelah komplain begitu, langsung ngeloyor pulang tanpa membayar jasa. biar Tuhan sendiri yang membalas...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

facts around us

ok. entah kenapa akhir2 ini aku lbh mudah jengkel mendengar jawaban para pasien2ku. kadang jawaban mereka itu lucu, kadang sok tahu tapi bodoh. awalnya takkira hanya golongan menengah ke bawah saja yg akan menjawab seperti itu, mengingat mungkin mereka tidak rutin mengupdate isi otak mereka dg berita di TV atau di koran. atau mereka terlalu sibuk mendengar gosip artis daripada mengikuti perkembangan dunia kesehatan. tapi ternyata, di rumah sakit pun aku mendengar jawaban serupa. pingin rasanya taktabok orang2 itu. aku jd bingung. zaman semakin canggih, internet di mana2, tp mereka masih percaya hal2 yg tdk masuk akal.

let's list some of their answers, from the ridiculous one to the stupid one.
#1 me: sudah minum obat apa pak/bu?
     px: ya..minum obat2 biasa itu lo.. (see? obat apa sih yg biasa dan luar biasa? kalo beli sendiri itu obat biasa? kalo dr dokter itu luar biasa? apa coba maksudnyaaa???)

#2 me: selain obat batuk pilek, sudah minum apa lagi?
     px: minum super tetra/amox
     me: kenapa?
     px: lha soalnya bukannya kalo blablablaa obatnya itu ya?
(FYI, yg minum super tetra itu cuma batuk pilek, dan yg minum amox itu mengakui kalo sebetulnya sdh ga mempan minum amox, tp krn yg di rumah cm ada itu, ya diminum dulu sebagai pertolongan pertama. OMG.. sejak kapan antibiotik itu pertolongan pertama? ga baca di koran ya? amoxicilin udah dinyatain resisten utk sebagian besar wilayah indo, apalagi buat surabaya yg tergolong kota besar.. so people.. kasihanilah tubuhmu sendiri, don't drink antibiotic unless your doctor say so.. jgn memperburuk resistensi antibiotik negara kita yg udah parah ini...)

#3 me: udah berapa biji minum amoxnya?
     px: baru 2..
     me: baru dr kemaren berarti? masih ada sisanya?
     px: nda.. ya kalo sakit baru saya minum, dan cm tinggal 2 di rumah
(how comeee??? antibiotic is not a symptomatic drugs, so you have to take it as instructed. and how come you have spare antibiotic at home? you should take them all.. for at least 3-5 days depend on how bad your infections are)

#4 me: (px baru saja menyebut nama obat yg ga biasa diminum orang awam) dikasih siapa pak?
     px: saya diksh tau orang apotek, katanya kalo sakit begini ya obatnya ini.. tp kok ga manjur ya?
     me: minumnya gimana?
     px: (menyebut cara minum yg salah)
     me: makanya pak, jgn percaya omongan orang kalo bkn dr dokter, aturan minumnya salah, ya ga manjur
atau versi lain...
    px: saya dibilangi temen saya, tempo hari dia sakit kyk gini sembuh pake obat ini..
    me: minumnya gimana?
    px: ya kan dosisnya keras ya dok.. ya saya cm minum 1x/hr
    me: pak, dosisnya itu sudah sesuai utk orang dewasa, dan harusnya minum sehari 2 kali.

cerita ttg antibiotik ini banyak banget macemnya, versi lain lagi
#5 px: dok, saya nanti jgn diksh obat yg keras2 ya dosisnya, tempo hr saya diksh dosisnya keras, perut saya sampai perih
     me: obat apa bu?
     px: obat XXX
     me: ibu minumnya berapa kali?
     px: lha itu dia, dokternya bilang berapa saya lupa, ya saya kira semua obat kan minumnya selalu 3x/hr, yaaa.. saya ya minum obatnya sehari 3x..
    me (separo mo menepuk jidat): emang ga ada etiket obatnya bu?
    px: saya ga kelihatan dok.. abis gitu etiketnya hilang, kan cuma dijepret gitu..
    me: bu, obat itu harusnya minumnya cuma sehari sekali... ya pantes aja perutnya ga kuat..

#6 px: saya ini kapok dok, tempo hr minum obat sampe ndredeg jantung saya...
     me: trus?
     px: makanya sekarang saya minum amoxnya sehari cuma berani sekali aja, itu aja ga tiap hari
     me: kenapa?
     px: ya itu tadi.. takut alergi..
     me: dulu2 minum amox gpp? tau kalo amox hrsnya minum sehari 3x?
     px: dulu2 ga papa.. tp gara2 ndredeg itu tadi lo dok, saya takut kalo minum amox jg sama.. tau sih, biasanya sehari tiga kali..
     me (mbatin dalem ati): terusin ajaaa... ga baca koran apa??? pengen tuh kyk yg steven johnson di koran2? ato yg IgE something2 yg tempo hr msk koran itu? itu kan gara2 minum obat ga sesuai aturan terus2an... mo jd korban berikutnya? ntar ujung2nya nuntut dokternya.. bilangnya malpraktek.. sekarang yg salah dokternya apa pasiennya sih?

#7 me: pak, tekanan darahnya biasanya berapa?
     px: kenapa?
     me: ini kok tinggi.. 160/100.. dulu2 berapa biasanya?
     px: ya emang segitu.. kadang 150.. kadang bisa sampe 180
     me: ga dikasih obat darah tinggi pak?
     px: dikasih si dok, tapi saya ga mau biasain minum obat terus2an..
*sigh* ini lagi paradigma keliru di masyarakat. lek sakit kepala, minum mixagrip ben hari dianggap biasa. tp kalo waktunya kena darah tinggi, asam urat, kolesterol, disuruh minum obat tiap hari malah dianggep racun.. ga baik untuk ginjal. FYI people, you have to take those medicine regularly..or else, your kidney will fail due to your illness, not your medication. ntar lek udah waktunya cuci darah baru ngedumel, mengeluh dokternya ga becus, mengeluh dokternya ga informatif..

#8 tapi gimana2 paling jengkel kalo dapet pasien tipe yg 2 biji ini...
    me: sudah minum obat?
    px: sudah..
    me: obat apa aja? dibawa nggak?
    px: waduh, saya lupa namanya.. pokoknya satu buat sakit kepala ato meriang, yg satunya bapil, trus ada antibiotik juga.. wah.. nda saya bawa dok.. lupaaa.. tp gpp dok, ganti aja.. wong obatnya ga manjur kok
    me: lha iya bu, saya juga maunya ganti, tp diganti apa kalo asalnya saja saya tdk tahu ibu seblmnya dapat obat apa.. kalo obatnya kebetulan sama isinya kan ya sama aja.. apalagi ibu ga berobat ke sini sebelumnya, tidak ada datanya di sini.. saya taunya dr mana coba?
(batinku, emang gue peramal? bisa tau situ sebelumnya minum apaan?)

atau versi yg ini, yg lbh berbahaya dikit..
#9 px: anu ya dok.. nanti kalo kasih obat jgn yg keras2.. saya pny alergi obat..
     me: alergi obat apa?
     px: wah, saya lupa nama obatnya. pokoknya abis minum obat itu saya langsung merah dan bentol2..
     me: obat buat apa? ini kan ibu butuh obat meriang, batuk pilek dan antibiotik, yg alergi dulu itu antibiotik atau apa?
     px: waduh.. apa ya? pokoknya pas itu saya jg sakit kyk gini, trus diksh 3 macem obat juga.. trus alergi..
     me: ya kalo saya ga tau nama obatnya atau isinya gimana? ibu kok ga dicatat nama obatnya? begini ini penting lo bu.. kan bahaya, kalo cm gatal ama bentol2 aja sih gak papa, tp kalo sampai shock anafilaktik itu bisa bahaya. hitungan detik ibu bisa meninggal..
    px: yaa... pokoknya saya ada alergi dok..
*capek deeeee* emg tangan gue scanner? scan di jidat akan keluar nama obat yg alergi? atau punya bola kristal? tinggal tanya bola kristal, pasienku alergi obat apa ya? trus kluar jawabannya? gitu?? so people, please do remember what you are allergic to.. this is very important. if you can't remember the ingredients, just remember the name. or if you can't remember it, write it down in a piece of paper, put it in your wallet or in your note on your mobile phone or your tablet. or even better, keep the wrapping! whatever it is.. please do remember your allergy. blame us if we have already known it and still gave it to you. don't blame us if you don't even know what your allergy is and got allergy reaction after taking the medicine.

this last one, that i can remember, (i think many more to come...), is very common. i think you doctors have experienced it more than once.
#10 px: dok,saya ini kemarin udah berobat, tp kok masih blm sembuh ya? ganti aja dok obatnya.. ga manjur obatnya.. yg mahal jg gpp, yg penting saya sembuh..
      me: oh iya, saya periksa dulu ya.. (after examining and taking more history..) dikasih obatnya apa aja bu? udah diminum berapa kali?
      px: obat ini..ini..ini... kemaren kan saya udah ngantuk dok, jadinya baru tadi pagi sekali saya minum. tapi ga ada efeknya tuh.. udah ganti aja.. wong kemaren saya periksanya cuma ke dokter praktekan dekat rumah aja..
warning: no matter where you're getting your examination, in general practice at home, or in the puskesmas, or in the big hospital.. we are the same..we are all general practitioner. nda ada bedanya soal praktek di rumah ato di rumah sakit. bisa aja yg praktek di rumah itu jg praktek di rmh sakit lain. dan ga menjamin bahwa kalo udah berobat ke rumah sakit pasti langsung sembuh. yg namanya penyakit itu proses, jd yg namanya sembuh itu juga proses. ini bukan sulap bukan sihir. minta sekali minum obat lgsg sembuh. gua buka praktek dukun aja kalo gitu caranyaaa... sekali siram pake air wangi, pasti kesurupannya ilang.. jyahh..
apalagi kalo ada yg namanya infeksi. udah dibiarin berapa hari tuh infeksi? eh..malah minta sekali minum obat lgsg beres..

oke.. sementara hanya itu yg bisa takinget.. ntar kalo ada reaksi lucu2 lagi (menurut sudut pandangku) akan aku tulis lagi. untuk sementara, itu dulu. ambil poin pentingnya, jadikan peringatan. tularkan kebiasaan peduli kesehatan ke orang lain. sehat itu mahal. dan jgn protes menganggap kita mata duitan krn bilang sehat itu mahal. sering jadi mahal krn pasien sendiri yg tdk aware and tdk mau menjaga kesehatannya sejak terdeteksi dini, akhirnya malah terjadi komplikasi dan biayanya otomatis membengkak.
peringatan: ini bukan untuk menghina siapa pun.. ini hanya curahan hati seorang dokter. no harms intended.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

new year's trip

i forgot to write about our new year's trip. ahhaha.. busy schedule and all during January. actually, we didn't plan to go on new years, but since i'm expecting, we couldn't go to Canada like our original plan since it's going to be in April or May. although the doc said that it's okay until 8th month, but my mom wouldn't risk that. so we decided to give up Canada and chose to go to Thai instead. since the tour also started from Jakarta, we had to go earlier to Jakarta first. we had the chance to eat with erica and his newly-wed husband, hhehehe.. whom we teased a lot since he's worried knowing that i'm expecting even though both of us said that we will wait.

day 1: bangkok here we come
we thought it was going to be raining in Bangkok, but turned out it was sunny. i'm glad. hahhaa.. not a fan of bad weather. the first day, we just checked in to the hotel and then free time before going to cruise dinner and met the other group. actually i planned to see what they had to offer, but since the mall was crowded, we stepped out from the mall and accidentally found cute stuffs at the pedestrian stall. and then headed to swensen's. the sundaes were biggg... i loveeedddd ittt...and it was way cheaper. haha.. our dinner cruise later was amazing. we celebrated my mother-in-law birthday on board. the meal was okay, much better than the lunch. it was windy, but we could see the buildings by the side of the river. so many temples. and there was this bridge which looks like suramadu bridge. after that we were back to the hotel. although our tour guide said that if we wanted to celebrate new year's eve we could join them back again at the hotel lobby to join the bangkok's crowd. but we were to tired and decided to get some rest.

day 2. pattaya beach
we went to pattaya early. but we stopped by at some tiger farm. we watched the pig show. it's funny to watch the pig. they could count but only up to 6. hahaa. and then the pig race. cute, but smelly. after that we watche the crocs show. it was horrifying. there was this croc that refused to be pulled to the center. and it almost bite its handler. but then the handler decided not to use it and moved on with the show. it was breathtaking. when they put their hand inside the croc's mouth, and then their head! hahhaa.. though they didn't put it in long enough. then we watched tiger show. too bad this time we didn't get the perfect seat to watch it. but it was nice. after that we headed to our hotel in pattaya. it was super niceeee... too bad again, only one night. .huhu.. we got the room with pool view. and we could jump to the pool from our room's terrace. ha! we decided to swim since we had a few spare time before going to watch the famous transgender show. the pool was nice, the weather was nice.. it was a perfect afternoon. and then the show. it was marvelous. all the performers were transgenders and they were all prettier than the real lady. and there was this one transgender that was performing like a korean star. he was the star of the night. and when it was time for photo taking session, he was the star. everybody wanted to be photographed with him/her. hahaha..

day 3. back to bangkok.
after breakfast, broken hearted, we left our hotel. we headed to a village to watch the elephant show. before that, we watched the cultural show of thailand. and then hurried to watch the elephant show. it was awesome. the elephants could ride motorcycles, play basketball, even massage someone. hahaa.. after the show, we took some photograph with the elephant. then we were having dinner at the biggest restaurant in guiness book. we had dinner and then since it was a pay-off tour, there was this drawing from the pharmacists who paid for our tour.

day 4: journey to the king's palace
first thing in the morning, we headed to the king's palace. we had to wear something polite, or else we couldn't get inside. we were walking around and see the jade buddha statue. there were several temples there, but there was this wall, the wall with some drawings of rama shinta. hahaa.. it was funny, watching the same stuff that also we could see back home. we could also see the story of hanoman. hahahaa.. then we walked to the river bank to go to another temple and to have some lunch. shorly after boarding, the guide told us to feed the fish at the river bank, because it's a belief that the fish bring some luck. killing the fish were believed to bring bad luck for people. the fish were big.. and they ate a lot. the guide said that it was patin, hiks.. too bad we couldn't fish and eat them. and then after lunch, we stopped by at another temple to see the full-gold buddha statue. then we made some quick stop at some shop, honey shop, chocolate shop.. to buy goodies for our loved ones back at home. and even though we're tired, we decided to walk around our hotel, trying some local food.

day 5. back home.
that was it. we headed back home. and i was sick. runny nose and stuff again. blame it on the windy weather. *sigh* home sweet home though..

Monday, January 9, 2012

the evil matchmaker wannabe

i can't believe i never write about this lady! or wrote about her in my FB status or anywhere else!! hahaha..i must say, this is quite ridiculous story and amusing.

soo.. i was on ICU duty the day i met her. she was admitted to ICU for 24 hours observation after sleep drug intoxication. since i was ordered by the specialist to obtain the reason she drank those sleeping pills, i went to her room when she pressed the "call" button. after asking her need, i asked her about the reason she drank the pills, even though she knew that she had enough already before taking more. she complained about every body parts she could complained and asked to be checked. MRI, CT scan, the expensive ones, you named it, she asked for it. since her specialist wasn't our in house doctor, he couldn't come that morning. so we had to talk to him by phone. and he was surprised by all the complaints and requests. he knew that she was on insurance, so he decided to hurry to the hospital to find out which one is needed so he didn't have to hear all this trash talk again. hahaha..

but during our conversation, she asked me whether i'm married or not. at that time, i forgot whether i'm engaged or just in a relationship, but i wasn't single anymore. so i politely replied that i haven't married yet. she then asked again, if i had someone. and i nodded. her husband told her to stop at that point, but she kept on going, asking if i've been engaged and so on. even she said like this, " as long as she haven't had a ring on her finger, anything could happen under this sky.. (well, in indonesian she didn't say exactly like that, more like "selama janur kuning melengkung, apapun isa terjadi.. yg tunangan aja msh isa putus...) and her husband scolded her harshly upon hearing that comments and apologized to me.

but she didn't stop. she said that if i haven't had anyone, she had someone in mind. her nephew back in US. although he wasn't a doctor, but he has graduated from graduate school. pretty bright future in US, according to her campaign. but i just smiled back at her and then looking for whatever reason i could find to flee from her room.

our first encounter was so funny yet annoying, so i never forget her face. i saw her again back in the ER. i was newly-wed at that time. she accompanied her family member and since i was busy, she just had the chance to ask whether i'm new or not. but few weeks later, she came to ER again. and this time, i helped the ER doctor, so i was around quite enough for giving her the chance to ask me again. this time, she approached me by asking about her papsmear result. but i knew she's just opening the conversation. i guessed she knew that i was about to runaway from the ER so she hurriedly asked whether i'm married or not. here we go again, i thought.

this time i could answer that i'm married. pretty bold i must say, she dared to look at my finger to find my wedding ring. thank God, i wore my wedding ring on the right finger that time (usually i wore it on my second finger, since my ring is bigger than my ring finger..). but that answer didn't stop her. she commented "how shame.. if you haven't been married, i had a nephew in two could make a lovely couple"

aiyaaa.. i almost let go a moan. this nephew of her again! two years and he haven't found someone yet? well then, there must be something with him.. thank God i found mine. hahahaa... udah deh tante.. menyerah deh sonoooo!!!! get lost you and your loser nephew.