now i'm pretty busy. monday to friday morning, i went to adi husada for my "magang", and then on thursday to saturday, i went to college. it was a different world. at first, i was itchy to help at the ER. but i was there to study the hospital administration, not the medical service. it was hard just sitting there and do nothing. but sometimes i gave up and helped with the paper work. i didn't interact with the patient directly, but i had something to do beside waiting. the college was something else. at first, i didn't know a thing about the lecture. i had no idea. it was another world for me. all those foreign terms and the bureaucracy made me dizzy. but i got the hang of it.
my favorite course is logistics. the lecturer was very clear in teaching us, it made it interesting and easy to understand. my least favorite course was nursing management and human resource. the first one, the lecture was sooo boring. i didn't understand a bit. the second one, the first lecture was confusing, the second week was okay, but the third week turned out confusing again, and the last one was very good. so, it was a love-hate situation for me. but a little by little, i started to enjoy the confusion. hahaha..
and for the "magang", if the unit manager was okay, it was fun to spend the time. but if the manager wasn't okay, it was excruciating spending the time there. and all the reports were miserable. but i still hope for the best. until now, it was okay at the new hospital. people were nice and helpful. i hoped it will stay the same.