Wednesday, November 30, 2011

what's left for this month

OMG... it's been a month already and i haven't written anything! is my life getting boring or is it me who's become lazier to write? i don't know.. somehow i felt nothing to tell. no interesting stories to write. or perhaps i have already had ears to listen to my stories everyday.. hahaa.. (mekso maksude.. kudu mau diceritai..ehhee.)

let's see.... what's left for this month? all i know.. 2 months in a row, since our wedding, we have received so many wedding invitation. people are rushing to be married, especially this last week. no matter what day it is, don't care whether it's monday or tuesday, or even freaking friday.. people are getting married everyday!! crazy enough.. even on the 11-11-11 KUA had to refuse some couple. hahaa.. i remembered 9-9-09 and 10-10-10 are not as crazy as 11-11-11. fiuhh... luckily we didn't get any invitation on that date. but on the next day, i had 3 invitations.. unfortunately (or fortunately? since i had no idea which one to go?) i had to work.. so no wedding party.. and my best friend's also getting married the next week.. on 19.11.11. hehee.. pretty amazing.. we were best friend since elementary school, and she had crush here and there while i focused on my study. she forced me and introduced me to this guy (whom later become my husband) while we (me and my future husband) ignored her. but then as i started to know my future husband and started to court him, she also started to have a serious relationship with her future husband!

our engagement and wedding were close.. our wedding only a month apart! hahaha.. talking about destiny. weekekke.. let's see if our destiny really amazing.. only one other thing to wait.. hahaha.. and talking about jobs.. hiks.. my job at clinic is getting better. the patient are not as few as couple months before. but one thing for sure.. those working accidents..falling accidents and stuff still keep coming to me. i had to stitch them up with whatever available at the clinic. i always wonder why people keep coming there for first aid even though they knew that hospital were the best option to go for accidents like that. we do have limitation for what we can do at clinic. and they seems ignoring it. blah.. sometimes i wonder, do this clinic really in surabaya? since i felt like there's no different in my story to my friend' at somewhere out there across the sea in other island.

#1 me: kenapa ini pak? (ada sepeda motor, bonceng 3.. yg tengah kelihatan tdk sadar, yg duduk paling belakang megang kaos berlumuran darah dari kepala yg tengah)
pengantar: jatuh ini bu..
me: jatuh dari mana?
pengantar : plafon 3 m
me: *usir* ke RS langsung ajaaa....
pengantar : tolong la bu.. ditolong pertama di sini dulu ajaa...
me: *pasrah* ya udah bawa masuk.
kondisi px delirium.. jelas ada COR karena px tdk sadar, ada muntah, dan skrg aja belon sadar penuh. pas itu px duduk.. keliatan ada fraktur clavicula. hebatnya, para pengantar itu udah aku bilangin untuk ke RS buat CT scan kepala.. tp mereka malah lbh concern ke patah tulang krn itu yg lbh keliatan *capedeee..*

#2 me: kenapa pak? (px jalan tertatih2.. berlumuran darah)
pengantar: ini abis kena mesin circle keramik bu..
me: *not again??* ya udah, masuk dulu, biar saja bersihkan..
alhasil.. jahit menjahit dehhhh... parahnya lagi, pas kontrol 10 hr kmdn, itu orang datang dg kondisi tanpa perban. jadi jahitannya keliatan telanjang mata gituuu.. ya ampun, pdhl kan kerjaane tukang bangunan, banyak debu dan kotoran.. *capede* bagoss.. jahitane jg ga nyambung pula. sipppp...

#3 me: kenapa pak?
pengantar: kena lempeng besi bu..
me: kerja di bangunan? *maneeehhh*
pengantar: iya
me: yaa.. kalo dijahit sih bisa pak, tp ini nanti butuh suntik ATS. lha di sini ga ada, jadi nanti saya bawain pengantar, sampeyan kudu nganter ke RS lagi..
*krik..krik..krik..krik* nah lo.. makanyaaa,, laen kali lgsg aja bawa RS kenapa?

tp ada mandor yg bilang gini "soalnya saya tanya teman2, dikasih info di sini ada klinik." lha trus? moso ya rujukan terbaik ke klinik? kudune ke RS langsung ya toooo... plis deh..

ya gak papa lah.. itung2 supaya tmb laris klinik gerejae.. heehe.. duit jg melimpah.. wahahhaa.. *maruk* (balada tongpes abis tur) semogaaa bulan ini jg laris manis... mengingat end of the year is getting near...